the rating

i watched 3 ep and l loooooooved this show .. the rating in IMDB is totally not fair for this show

it should at Least 7.7 or 7.9 !!!???!!!

some ppl just want to rate without watching the show, i hesitated a couple time becoz of the rating (6.6) but after i watched it .. i give it an 8.

"Even if it was ridiculously romantic" - Brian Kinney


I think some people rated it really low since before it started. I'm hoping more people up the ratings, it should not be below 7.5 IMO.

Man: Do you know who I am?
Yakko: Why? Did you forget?


I think the show deserves a higher rating-it's a good show and it's really starting to come together.


There were a lot of people messing with the rating before it aired, as someone else said. It's a legit 7, maybe a 7.2. 6.6 is still high enough that a lot of people will check it out anyway.


This show deserves at least an 8. I would be a 10 if it was on a major network with a bigger budget. But I'm sure if it was on a major network they probably would cancel this awesome show too soon.
This show has some great writing. Ealy and Cove have amazing chemistry on the show. I feel like I'm watching a younger version of Lethal Weapon. I have laughed out loud every episode. Can't wait to have this on dvd/bluray to get more of my friends hooked on this until season 2. I really hope this show gets a long run like Monk and Psych.
Thanks USA.


Did you just hit me for real?
