Common Law vs. H5O

Any Common Law fans watch H5O?
Both shows have partners who are polar opposites, bicker, and banter, and get on each other's nerves. Same premise? Or what about Houston Knights, or Starsky and Hutch, many eons ago? Same thing. (Ok, Starsky and Hutch never argued as much as the other shows).
So what makes these new shows any different?
That being said...I LOVE watching cop-partner shows, huge fan! And have watched each of these shows! AND loved them all. I'm just saying that this is an old premise, just updated.
So do any of you watch H5O too, and how would you compare them?


Steve/Danny are nothing like Wes/Travis.

Sure Steve & Danny do have their fair share of carguments but at least they like each other & have respect for each other.

Wes/Travis want to kill each other...they have a hard time working together and they are being forced to go to Couples Counseling. LOL. Steve/Danny aren't nowhere near that dysfunctional.

I watch both shows and absolutely adore each one...while H5-0 does have some light hearted moments it's not meant as a comedy like CL is...the only thing they have in common is they always catch the bad guys in their own ways.

Ha...LOVED Starsky & Hutch...never saw Houston Knights but if I had known then what I know now ...Michael Pare was one of the stars I'd have been planted in front of my TV drooling....


I watch both, but much prefer Common Law. Like Jude, I don't think the comparison is apt, though I differ with her, in that I think that Wes and Travis absolutely do not hate each other, they just push each others' hot buttons, which can cause huge problems.


Well then they sure do love to push those hot buttons don't they? LOL.

Yeah...the more the show airs you can see they don't "hate" each other but have very distinct personalities that clash.

Like Steve/Danny on H50..I don't mind them "bickering"'s fun to watch & how they work thru their problems & finally arrest the bad guys....


It seems more forced to me on H50, like they are "trying" for comedy (and I don't think that show needs to do that, but it is CBS after all). I have a feeling that the guy who plays Steve is more of a method actor, and Caan is more known for having an improvisational style (could be totally wrong, obviously). I'm sure the stuff you see on screen with them is close to real life tension, even though they do seem to like each other. I actually think their chemistry is really strange, but who wouldn't want to take a job in Hawaii and make it work?
