i love these guys!!

IMO Common Law is one of the best new shows to come along in ages...

the lead characters, Wes & Travis, are wonderful! and soooo easy on the eye...
i the supporting cast, too!
the Captain, Dr. Ryan and the 3 married couples are great!

oh yeah, the hoop shot scene at the end of "Performance Anxiety" was hilarious!! had me lol...

edit: the only character i don't care for is Alicia Coppola as Jonelle, the M.E....
she is definitely pi$$ed off at Travis! i do wish she'd get over it and stop bein' such a b!tch whenever they show up to talk to her...

HOME is where the HEAT is...



i honestly don't think Ray Romano had his in Men of a Certain Age, and the show just didn't have a huge audience...
PLUS it had a really lousy time slot here on the west coast...

Common Law, on the other hand, probably has more appeal to a wider audience - and if they stick to the original premise of the show, and don't screw it up - hopefully it'll be around for a good long time...
i hope, i hope, i hope!

HOME is where the HEAT is...



But MOACA was his idea!!! LOL.

yeah, it was Romano's idea...
however, i read that after all was said & done he really didn't want to commit to another series...so, in the end it just tanked...
oh well, at least i'm still seeing Andre Braugher on other shows from time to time - and he's the one i really cared for...

oh yeah, not only do Warren Kole & Michael Ealy have great chemistry, i think they are so darn cute!
but, OMG, Michael Ealy's eyes just mesmerize me!!!

HOME is where the HEAT is...


To stop this from being a private conversation, I'll just jump in and say that I'm also really enjoying Common Law, I love their chemistry and the group from group therapy are all fun.

Now you can carry on, LOL.

Man: Do you know who I am?
Yakko: Why? Did you forget?


I am loving the show so far.

I'm glad that they're balancing out their fighting and frustration with each other with moments that show that they don't completely loathe one another. I love their improvised distractions. It shows that they're in-sync with each other.

Next week looks like it's going to be a lot of fun.

Brad:You stabbed me,dude!
Max:I stabbed you,dude!


@ ivyingreen:

oh please, feel free to join in the conversation...i didn't mean for it to be just between the 2 of us...
we did kind of veer off about another show, but i'm glad you got my thread back on track...

now back to the Common Law -fest!

@ CranberriAppl:

yes! so far the writing is XLNT, IMO...

the guys are really working on their problem & talking it out...
still, when they have a job to do they stick to business...

did i say, "i these guys!"?

HOME is where the HEAT is...


nasloranger- I didn't think you meant to be side tracked, but nobody else was participating, so I thought I'd jump in as well.

I can't wait for next week's episode- role playing! Just the concept is enough to make me smile.

I do love how well they work together, it's just socially that they don't get along. And I REALLY want to know why Wes pulled a gun on Travis.

Man: Do you know who I am?
Yakko: Why? Did you forget?


I do love how well they work together, it's just socially that they don't get along. And I REALLY want to know why Wes pulled a gun on Travis.

my guess: Travis probably beat him at "shootin' hoops"!
Wes will just never learn, will he?

(like i said in my OP, i just ed that ending scene in "Performance Anxiety" - it was classic!)

HOME is where the HEAT is...


I really want to know too. It had to have been fairly recently since they are new to the counseling class. And we know they don't hate hate each other, so it can only be as serious (in terms of context) as the pilot fight when they went through the window. Because that's the most violent we've seen them w/each other.

Brad:You stabbed me,dude!
Max:I stabbed you,dude!


They have good chemistry together. Next week looks like it will be really funny. I'm really liking this show so far.


I'm with you TC. I love this show. I have laughed my A** off every episode.
This show has really filled my "Breakout Kings" void. Thank you USA for another good buddy show (Psych). The third episode is my favorite so far....until the 4th episode. Too hilarous...lol


Did you just hit me for real?


I loved these guys from the 1st episode! They are one of my 3 fave new shows this season!

Thank you USA!

I can't wait to see next week's role reversal ...not just Wes & Travis but the whole group has to trade roles.


I can't wait to see next week's role reversal ...not just Wes & Travis but the whole group has to trade roles.

OMG! "Role Play" is gonna' be great! it'll be so fun to watch the others reverse their roles, too...

the writers are doing such a great job with this show...
it is sooooo entertaining!

too bad we only get 12 episodes for the season - it's half-way over...

HOME is where the HEAT is...


This show has really filled my "Breakout Kings" void.

Don't remind me of that cancellation. 'Breakout Kings' was just so GOOD in S2, everything seemed to click, they had an awesome recurring villain, the team felt like a family- so of course it gets cancelled.

On topic- This is the third USA show I watch (after White Collar and Suits) and I like it a lot as a summer show- I love the counselling and the three couples there, I like Wes and Travis and their dynamics, I love the new age-y Captain, etc. It's just FUN, with some funny and some serious, but very entertaining.

Man: Do you know who I am?
Yakko: Why? Did you forget?


I enjoyed the latest episode of Common Law, but I laughed hardest at the previews--just the previews!--for the "Role Playing" episode. That looks like a classic already.


I enjoyed the latest episode of Common Law, but I laughed hardest at the previews--just the previews!--for the "Role Playing" episode. That looks like a classic already.

When I saw Ealy in the suit, I definitely had a moment. And I just loved the preview of Wes being extra over-the-top and goofy.

Brad:You stabbed me,dude!
Max:I stabbed you,dude!


When I saw Ealy in the suit, I definitely had a moment. And I just loved the preview of Wes being extra over-the-top and goofy.

ahhhhhh, Michael Ealy in a suit - in a pair of jeans - in anything (or nothing!) at all!!!

be still my beating heart!!

AND he can say so much with those beautiful eyes!

HOME is where the HEAT is...


I'm glad people are liking this show. It's a great cop show with a heart that everyone can enjoy.

"Wise man say forgiveness is divine, but never pay full price for late pizza."


i absolutely hate when a show that i really gets XLD! sometimes i hesitate to get involved with a new series 'cause it'll wind up "going away" after a season or two...

NBC & ABC are really good at doing this, while they keep the cr@p shows on season after season after season!

let's hope that our "dynamic duo" stick around for a good long time!

...I love the new age-y Captain,

OMG!! he is so embarrassingly funny!
he just doesn't process what comes out of his mouth sometimes - he thinks it, he says it!
Cap, Cap, Cap!! did you just say that???

HOME is where the HEAT is...


That's the main reason I refuse to watch anything on ABC. They cancelled my fave show - Eastwick - without giving it a chance...didn't even show the last episode...aired all 22 episodes but wouldn't show the last one. Haven't watched anything on ABC since...not even the local station.

The Captain's name is Jack McGee...he's always played characters kinda funny but never this cool! I like him too.

Another great show on cable...Southland! Anybody know when it comes back on?

Common Law only has 12 episodes??? Why do they that! Hopefully next season it will have a full 22/23 episode season...
I will miss them like crazy when they are gone...please air reruns...lots & lots of reruns!


That's the main reason I refuse to watch anything on ABC. They cancelled my fave show - Eastwick - without giving it a chance...didn't even show the last episode...aired all 22 episodes but wouldn't show the last one. Haven't watched anything on ABC since...not even the local station.

The Captain's name is Jack McGee...he's always played characters kinda funny but never this cool! I like him too.

Another great show on cable...Southland! Anybody know when it comes back on?

Common Law only has 12 episodes??? Why do they that! Hopefully next season it will have a full 22/23 episode season...
I will miss them like crazy when they are gone...please air reruns...lots & lots of reruns!

@ Jude:

re ABC: wow! that SUX!!
NBC XLD Prime Suspect after only 13 episodes! i guess it was too good to keep around...had to make room for Donald Trump & his team of creepy, apprentice losers or some other cr@p show, i guess!

Jack McGee is an interesting guy...
i didn't watch Rescue Me so i don't much recall him...
but according to his IMDb bio he was a real life fire fighter back in New York...standing at just 5'5" he has to be one tough little dude!!

re Southland: really that show, too!
i hear it has been renewed for another season (#5), but it's a winter show, so looks like we'll have to wait 'til after the first of next year for it's return...
that's another series that only goes 10-12 episodes - it seems to be over before it even gets started...
"short seasons/series" seems to be cable channels MO, ya' know?

HOME is where the HEAT is...


This show is getting me thru the dreadful summer and somewhat still helping me cope with the cancellation of The Secret Circle lol

Nah I LOVE the levity in it and its a great throwback to the Lethal Weapon movies

Team Blackwell TSC


I thought it was a nod to Lethal Weapon myself when Wes stepped on the landmine and Travis had to save him. Who could forget Danny Glover on the toilet and Mel Gibson working out how to get him away before the bomb went off?



i never gave a thought to this show being like the Lethal Weapon movies...
those movies were made a long, long, looooong time ago - tho' they do air on t.v. all the time, i admit...

i've never been a fan or Mel Gibson (or Danny Glover, for that matter), so i just prefer to think of Michael Ealy & Warren Kole as two handsome, funny, and very talented actors in their own right!

darn, no new episode tonite (July 6th)...
we have to wait 'til next week (July 13th) for "Joint Custody" to air, where they have to share the dog...
that should be hilarious!

HOME is where the HEAT is...


Yuck...agree with you nasloranger...I don't think Common Law is anything like the Lethal Weapon movies either. ...and glad to know I'm not the only one who isn't a fan of Mel Gibson.

i just prefer to think of Michael Ealy & Warren Kole as two handsome, funny, and very talented actors in their own right!

YES, they are!

I know...I'm dying... but there is a Common Law marathon on tonight of the few episodes we've gotten....


Man even though it was announced at the end of last week's show that CL wouldn't air this week, I still automatically flipped the channel to USA only to find the marathon. YAY!! I will be watching them again. I really can't get enough of these two!

"I don't love you enough to hate you!!"


I think Warren and Michael are talented in their own right too...heck been checking out Warren's stuff lately (I was familiar w/ Michael b/c of The Good Wife and Flash Forward).

Like when watching the show..it reminds me of Lethal Weapon, The Other Guys, etc... you know the buddy cop action/comedy genre. Thats not a bad thing as long as the chemistry between the two leads work. And you can tell Lethal Weapon, Running Scared, influenced the writers. Heck they even admit it http://www.cinemablend.com/television/Common-Law-Set-Visit-Part-2-Chat ting-With-Michael-Ealy-Warren-Kole-Jack-McGee-42231.html

Executive producer Karim Zreik was also on set with us, and he described Common Law as a “Bromance gone wrong.” The bromance/buddy-cop aspect comes through nicely in the pilot, and is somewhat reminiscent of certain action-comedies. In fact, it seems the writers were inspired by those types of movies. “We put up about 30 posters - 80’s buddy cop movie posters, up on the writer’s room wall,” Zreik said. “80’s buddy movies. That’s literally the tone we had in mind while making the show. There’s one Turteltaub keeps quoting, Running Scared. Gregory Hines and Billy Crystal. Running Scared is one, Lethal Weapon, Beverly Hills Cop...”

Team Blackwell TSC


Yep and the landmine went off too lol

Team Blackwell TSC


last nite's episode, "Odd Couples", is just another reason why i these guys!

the end scene almost had me in tears , when Travis was explaining to Wes why it was that he kept his own house so neat, while he just left a mess in the stakeout apartment...
only a kid who was jostled from foster home to foster home would know what it was like to finally feel "permanence" in his own home...

i think Wes just loves to annoy Travis by disagreeing with his theories about the criminals, but deep down he knows Travis is right-on...that's exactly why he was there for the rescue at the motel...

i know they just love to push each other's buttons, but in the end it shows how deeply committed they are to one another as friends, as a team, as a "couple"...

yeah, i really these guys!

HOME is where the HEAT is...
