MovieChat Forums > Common Law (2012) Discussion > Offensive to Law Enforcement

Offensive to Law Enforcement

In the opening of the episode Odd Couples over a dozen Law Enforcement officers stand stupidly by and allow a convict dig up and open a box full of weapons.

My ten year old nephew said "There's gonna be a gun in there." Duh.

This show is so bad it's insulting. Insulting members of Law Enforcement by portraying them as incompetent imbeciles, and insulting the audience by writing this crap.


Your nephew is wise! Before they arrived at the dig site I thought it might turn out to be an ambush of some sort against the officers. I doubt we were supposed to get the warm fuzzies from the set up of that opening scene. It seemed like another one of those moments in which writers like to make viewers say, "This won't turn out well."

Without character flaws there's no story, so I don't mind much, especially since it's part comedy. If this was meant to be flat-out drama I'd be much more insulted and would turn it off.

It was also predictable that there was something fishy about the writer, but that appeared intentional as well considering how she was acting and repeating herself. Fortunately Travis caught onto it immediately and was shown as competent in that matter.

Cheese time.


I don't think this show is supposed to be taken seriously. I mean, the description says exactly what it is: a comedy. And sure, the scene was awkward, but I don't think that in real life the cops would take that guy to dig a box in the middle of nowhere in the first place.

The thing is, the show is more about these two guys who like each other but don't seem to get along. They just happen to be cops. And I like realistic shows as well: The Wire, Southland, Hill Street Blues... They're good as hell! But I like this too.

Just try to watch this show for what it is and tries to be: good fun. It has its flaws, but the episodes keep getting better and better. The characters are so good it's worth watching it. At least that's what I think.


You actually sat back and watched a show that "insulted" you? I don't know whether to curse you or give kudos to the show for being able to do that. So I'll go with the latter. It says alot about Common Law's draw. lol

Comedy makes fun of people, places, things, events, situations, etc. I guess it was just not a cop's day this episode. And that's ironic seeing as how it's a comedy show about two guys who happen to be cops.

I find it funny how everyone is so eager to be offended by something these days that one can't even laugh at anything anymore. But if it's any consolation, nurses were offended when "Nurse Jackie" premiered. lol

"I don't love you enough to hate you!!"


You actually sat back and watched a show that "insulted" you?

No, I changed it after the opening scene.

There is too much quality programing on now to waste time and precious DVR recording space on a show I think is bad.


LOL That's totally cool man. The rest of us will continue to enjoy it without you.

"I don't love you enough to hate you!!"


The rest of us will continue to enjoy it
I know, LOL.


So the OP was insulted and changed the channel, but still took the time to come here and whine about the show? I can never understand people who waste their time posting about shows they don't like. As to it being offensive to show the cops acting stupid-that's called a plot device. Sometimes to move the story along, writers come up with something stupid just to get to the point where they want to go. It's like asking why didn't Hamlet kill his uncle in the first act, or why Captain Kirk didn't just send the shuttlecraft for Sulu when he was stranded on the ice planet. Sometimes you just have to suspend disbelief to enjoy the action. And this is a very enjoyable show with good characters who have great chemistry. Nothing offensive about that.


LOL I mean it's not like it's the first cop show to depict the police as comlete airheads. I've seen them portrayed that way in drama and action/suspense shows. But for some reason people just get worked for every lil thing, it seems, when it comes to this particular cop show. Seems alot of people have lost their ability to laugh.

"I don't love you enough to hate you!!"


"people have lost their ability to laugh."

*I don't think that scene was supposed to be funny.*

The funniest thing about it was that it was soooo bad!


But that's your opinion! lol

"I don't love you enough to hate you!!"


"I can never understand people who waste their time posting about shows they don't like."

Let me see if I can help you understand zanza862. It's a PUBLIC FORUM. A place where people can go and express their opinions.

And sometimes you zanza862 just have to suspend your disapproval and let others have their say. Can you understand that?


Gee, LaurelCyn, if my disapproval stopped anyone from having their say, your snotty comments would be called for. Since everyone is still free to express themselves no matter what I think, you're out of line.


if my disapproval stopped anyone from having their say, your snotty comments would be called for.

Gee zanza862, how do you know it didn't? How do you know that someone didn't come here to talk about something they didn't like on the show, or something they felt wasn't right, but after reading your snotty comment decided not to post because they didn't want you to call them a whiner and tell them they were wasting their time?


I suppose there's a good reason you're trying to pick a fight with me, but I'm not going to play. You're going on Ignore and you can have the last word-I know that it's important to your sort to have the last word.


I suppose there's a good reason you're trying to pick a fight with me

Not trying to pick a fight with you zanza862. You posted a comment and I replied to it. You called the OP a time-wasting whiner. And I responded, so you told me that I was snotty and out of line.

No picking fights here, I'm merely responding to your snarky comments as you make them.


Wow, I suppose the insults go back all the way to the dawn of cinema with the Keystone Cops. The cops that I have seen IRL don't have a sense of humor and aren't very nice.


"...a dozen Law Enforcement officers stand stupidly by..."

I gotta admit, that was pretty weak.

This show makes cops look like stooges. So what, its a comedy.


OP's comment ought to offend any fan of this show. As if we don't recognize that this primarily comedic program takes great liberties with how actual police work would be done. Ooo, what stinging criticism OP offered!


Ooo, what stinging criticism OP offered!

How can it be "stinging criticism" if it's true?

The OP said the show portrays Law Enforcement as incompetent imbeciles. That's true, it does, certainly in the episode under discussion 'Odd Couples'. So if it's true that the show portrayed Law Enforcement as incompetent imbeciles, why should someone saying that "ought to offend any fan of this show."

Just curious.


I can never understand people who waste their time posting about shows they don't like.

Totally agree! What's the point? hate it and when you see all the posters on the board love it then you should realize you are the only one who hates it.

There's tons of shows I hate & tons of actors/actresses I despise but I'm not going to waste my time going to their boards and bashing're going to get the same reaction the OP got here.


Thank you, Jude! You know, I remember once years ago where some poster who had a violent hatred of James Arness went to the Gunsmoke board, of all places, to bash him. Now I ask you-the Gunsmoke board? And then they were all indignant because people were aggravated with their hateful comments, and it was pretty lively for a while. Mind you, the Gunsmoke crowd is generally well-mannered, but there were one or two plain speakers...Still, what could one expect? If you want to bash a beloved actor of an iconic show, you don't go to the board of that show. Anyway, Common Law doesn't have the stature of Gunsmoke, but I think the same holds true. Most of us have a limited amount of time-I personally wouldn't waste any of it bashing something I DON'T like when I could be employing it better to talk about something I DO like.


"I can never understand people who waste their time posting about shows they don't like. What's the point?"

Maybe the point is the OP thinks that the people who are responsible for this show, the ones who depict Law Enforcement as bungling incompetents, maybe those writers and producers and actors don't realize how it makes the men and women who are ready to risk their lives to save ours, and to protect us and our loved ones and property, maybe those responsible don't know how it makes the officers feel to watch a television show that portrays them as morons.

And maybe next time, one person out of the herd of negative responders and insult hurlers, will think "You know, I'm not ok with that", and that person will also write a post in support of an accurate portrayal of Law Enforcement. Or at least write one against belittling them.


You're the OP...why are you talking about yourself in the 3rd person?

Guess what? We have brains and know that police officers aren't anything like the ones we see on TV! These TV shows are for pure entertainment and reflect nothing on real life...we know that...that's why we be entertained & have some laughs after the crap you go thru all day long....

If you watched would know that real CSI personnel do not interview suspects or anything like they do on that show.

And there have been plenty of other police shows that have the cops acting stupid...ever see Barney Miller?


You're the OP...why are you talking about yourself in the 3rd person?

In speech and in writing, when using hypothetical its not uncommon to also use third person.

I guess they didn't do that on Barney Miller.


I honestly don't think some people in Law Enforcement will find this show offensive. I've taken a couple courses now for my degree in Administration of Justice and most of my professor's and the officers or military officers have a pretty good sense of humor. They mostly just joke about the inaccuracies of procedural cop drama's. Law and Order was a big one that they laughed about and CSI (Crime Scene Inaccuracy to them) was another. So I don't think they'd fine that it was offensive. I haven't seen the episode yet, but if the officers just stood there, it does sometimes happen in the field where an officer may freeze.

We had a really good debate about a case like that in my class. A deaf man was shot and killed when he approached an officer who was responding to the domestic dispute call. The deaf man had a rake (the metal kind) and was repeatedly told to lower the rake, but he didn't (it was confirmed that he could read lips)the officer nearest the man froze and his partner stepped in and shot the deaf man. It was a great debate between the civilians in the class and the police/armed forces guys on whether the officer did the right thing.

Anyway, rambling lol all that to say, I don't think it's all that offensive, many of the guys have a pretty good sense of humor about this stuff.


A cop froze when approached by a guy with a rake and another cop shot the guy in real life and a silly situation on a TV show is offensive to law enforcement? Maybe the police academy should include a hayride before graduation. And learning how to tackle or taser someone with a non-sharp farm implement. Guess you can figure that I think a rake shouldn't be all that threatening to a pair of cops and they should have been able to take the guy without shooting him. I hope they didn't kill him.

Nope. Updating to say I found some information on this incident. The cop did kill the guy and was charged with manslaughter. At least the authorities recognized that a man holding a rake does not present a deadly threat and they tried to address the issue by instituting better training procedures on when to use deadly force and when not to use it. Here's a couple of links to the incident but I can't seem to find anything on the outcome of the case and if the officer was convicted or punished in any other way. The last link is a blog link and doesn't have information on the case.


the guys have a pretty good sense of humor about this stuff.

I was telling my brother in law and his buddy (both sheriffs) about Common Law and the scene where the cops all stand around like idiots with their hands on their belts while the convict pulls the gun out of the box, and my bro-in-law said that what would be really funny is if the next time someone from Common Law had an emergency and called 911, that the responding officers got out of their car and stood there with their hands on their belts.

They thought that would be funny. They definitely have a sense of humor about this stuff.


Yeah, that lawsuit would be pretty humorous, as well.


Ah nunnehickc, you can't take it seriously!

Isn't that what this thread is about, that Common Law is just a big joke?




Well LaurelCyn, since I said 'some' and not 'all' I imagine that there would be others that wouldn't find it so funny. All I can do is speak from my experiences with guys in law enforcement, which was why I didn't use a blanket statement.



So they're in that truck full of airbags, knowing full well that the men that open that truck are going to be carrying guns. A truck that has no way out except that door. These men had shotguns. By the stroke of luck, they weren't hit.


Kind of hard to hit someone when they're taking cover behind large crates full of airbags.


1. Those crates can't protect them forever.
2. What if Wes and Travis ran out of bullets? Where do they run to? into the hands of the criminals with shotguns? They don't know how many criminals are out there or what they're dealing with. What if they threw a couple grenades into the truck before Wes and Travis' backup arrives? That's the point.

I just think it's something real law enforcement wouldn't do.


I just think it's something real law enforcement wouldn't do.

It's not.


Well, of course if you prefer to nitpick than enjoy the show, I'm sure you'll find plenty of things to complain about. Whatever floats your boat.


Thank you for agreeing with me. But trust me, I do mindlessly enjoy the show, it is a nice comedy after all. I just figured it would be fun to indulge myself in a little nitpicking, seeing as that's the whole point of this thread (least I think it is).


I think it's a stupid thread, myself-I only look at it from time to time to point out the fallacy of finding a cop comedy offensive to law enforcement. And I wouldn't even bother with that if it wasn't a new show-I think it's a good show and it doesn't deserve so much heat. It's a good show, with some interesting characters, and the therapy is not something you would usually see in this kind of show.


I think it's a stupid thread, myself-I only look at it from time to time

Oh yeah? But you've posted on it eight times!


With regard to item #2, even though the show focuses on Travis & Wes, I hope you've noticed that they rarely pursue any case without back up waiting in the wings. That scene was a perfect example of that collaboration between them and their precinct. Even though they were in the trailer, the minute the bad guys ran out of the trailer up comes the backup. So I doubt there would have been any lengthy shoot out before help arrived.
In addition, why would the criminals have reason to come armed with grenades when things had been going so swimingly in the past with all their heists? As we are all aware, success does kinda breed complacency. So unless they were tipped off prior, which they weren't, they had no reason to come any more prepared than they normally had in the past.

"I don't love you enough to hate you!!"


LOL @mrlpratt, when a show needs fans to explain it, clearly the show needs better writing.


It speaks less of the show's writing and more about your powers of observation. Obviously you aren't paying attention if you didn't notice the back ups screeching in when Wes jumped the criminal and Travis asked him why he wore the umpire's mask.

"I don't love you enough to hate you!!"


LOL @mrlpratt, I wasn't paying attention, because I was bored and checking my email. Thank you for reiterating my point.


LOL Trust me. It's all relative. If you want to be bored then it's your right to do so. I take it you're bored again which is why you come on this board to attempt to spread your misery. Life is what you make it. If you're looking for a show to fill some void in your life and make it more interesting I suspect you will live a life filled with disappointment and boredom.
The show doesn't bore me which is why I noticed those things. The fact that you didn't is not my problem.

"I don't love you enough to hate you!!"


LOL mrlpratt, Trust me, I don't want to be bored, which is why I wish this show had better writing (as do other posters on this board). I watch this show for Michael Ealy and I wanted it to be really good. As this board and the ratings show, it isn't.


LaurelCyn: CL isn't medication to cure all that ails you. Like I said before, the show has only just started. As it progresses the writers will tweak, etc. to find the show's balance. If you can't wait for it then neither the show, Michael Ealy or anyone else can help you. Which pretty much goes back what what I said in my previous comment to you: it's all on you.

"I don't love you enough to hate you!!"


the writers will tweak, etc. to find the show's balance.

Yes, and hopefully the show's producers are smart enough to read fan boards and hear what viewers are liking and not liking and use that in their "tweaking". I can certainly wait, I intend to watch CL as long as Michael Ealy is on.

it's all on you.

FYI mrlpratt, it is never on the viewer to like a show.


Actually it is. This season has already been produced and packaged so there's nothing we or the writers can do about this season. So it's on the viewer if he/she likes it or not. As is the case, some will like it while others won't. But that's all on the viewer. However, once the show's writers get together and hash out the second season, whether we like it or not will be on them, since as you noted, they should have done their homework and worked out the kinks.
But in all honesty I don't think we can blame them for how the show's first season was received since there was no fan input into the first season prior to its being produced.

"I don't love you enough to hate you!!"


Actually it is.

Actually it isn't. It is no more incumbent on a viewer to like a television show than it is on a diner to like the meal in a restaurant. Or a guest to enjoy his stay in a hotel, or a reader to like a book.

Again mrlpratt, it is never on the viewer to like a show.


LOL I see we will just have to disagree on this one. Since likes and dislikes are all so subjective, it is on the viewer if he/she doesn't like a show. It goes both ways so it's on the viewer if he/she likes the show. You can't please everyone, not even some of the time.

"I don't love you enough to hate you!!"


LOL, that doesn't even make sense.

If viewers don't like a show, it is the shortcoming of the show, not the audience.


So what about the viewers who like the show? Is that still a shortcoming of the show? Or is that a testament to the show? How is it that one show can have viewers who like and dislike it? That's why I say you can't please everyone. Likes and dislikes are involuntary AND they're subjective.

"I don't love you enough to hate you!!"


So what about the viewers who like the show? Is that still a shortcoming of the show?

Really? LOL.

Likes and dislikes are involuntary AND they're subjective. How is it that one show can have viewers who like and dislike it?

The audience is always right. Some will like it and some won't. Again mrlpratt, it is never on the audience to like a show.


That's right. The audience IS always right. So that goes back to what I said. If some like it and some don't, then it's on the audience however they feel about the show.
Whenever people's feelings enter the equation, there is never any cut and dry answer. It's all based on the individual/viewer since you will always have two "camps" where any show is concerned. It's like people's take on beauty: it's in the eye of the beholder; never in the eye of the thing/one being "beheld". lol

"I don't love you enough to hate you!!"


If some like it and some don't, then it's on the audience however they feel about the show.

LOL mrlpratt, the goal of the show's producers is to make a show that the audience will like.

If the audience doesn't like a show, it is never on the audience.


Have you ever seen a show that 100% of the audience liked? Sure, the producers may wish for 100% acceptance but we all know that never happens. So all they can hope for is that the majority of the audience will like it. That means some won't like it. So it confirms what I've been saying all along. However the audience feels about a show is all on them. Some will like it and some won't and it's all good. The ones who like it aren't wrong for doing so no more than the ones who don't like it. lol

"I don't love you enough to hate you!!"


However the audience feels about a show is all on them.

LOL mrplatt, it is never on the audience to like a show.


No it's not LaurelCyn. I never said that. I said however they feel about the show it's all on them. That's something entirely different from what you said: "it is never on the audience to like a show."

"I don't love you enough to hate you!!"


mrlpratt you can continue to rephrase for another 20 posts trying to justify saying that it's all on the viewer how they feel about a show, and you still won't make it true.

If viewers don't like the show, then it's all on the show's producers, not the viewers.

But hey, we can keep going with you trying to rearrange and justify your position for as long as you like. I would suggest however that you and I take this PM, since if there is anyone left reading this they probably find it ridiculous and space wasting.


mrlpratt, If a person watches the show and thinks it's boring, it's not the person's fault, it's the people who make the shows fault. If someone doesn't like Common Law, it's not on them!

anyone left reading this they probably find it ridiculous and space wasting.



TStoppd: nice of you to join the foray. However, thinking if you side with Laurel that will somehow get me to fold or rethink my statement you're totally wasting your time. People who find the show boring or entertaining are entirely within their right to feel however they want to feel. But since people's tastes, etc. are their own, just because one person may find something boring, tasteless, etc. doesn't mean that it is. That is just their viewpoint/opinion since the people who find the same thing entertaining won't see it that way and therefore won't agree. That is why however viewers see any show that is entirely on them. How can one show be both boring and entertaining simultaneously? Because everyone will see it differently. That is why it is on them! So I don't need to PM you or Laurel. I really don't care how anyone who reads this sees this--ridiculous, space wasting, or otherwise is of no consequence to me since this is the place to discuss the show--as I stand behind my comments. So we can go for 20x more rounds. I'm ready.

"I don't love you enough to hate you!!"


Mrlpratt, if it's okay for me to join the fray, I have to say that I think you're absolutely right. It's up to each and every one of us to find what we like. There are people, believe it or not, who don't like anime! I mean good anime, like Rurouni Kenshin and Cowboy Bebop and Trigun and Monster! I just feel sorry for them. I've even heard there are people who find the Immortal Bard, old Will Shakespeare himself, boring and have never sat all the way through one of his plays. Astonishing. Some people just don't appreciate quality. What can you do? If someone finds something boring, they should leave and find something they find interesting. Like I've said a time or two, I don't get why people waste their time with a discussion board for a show they don't like.


Laurel. If you read my comments I've always maintained that however viewers feel about the show--that includes whether they like it or not--then it's entirely on them since that is their opinion/feeling. You're the one who said it's not on the viewer to like a show, which is not what I ever said.
I have nothing to rephrase. I've made my opinions known and stand by it. Just because you claim something to be a truth doesn't make it one. That is your opinion.

"I don't love you enough to hate you!!"


I get that you are desperate to have the last word, and will 'last word' this to death.

Please, take it PM.


LOL There you go again thinking what you think somehow is gospel. So if someone challenges you you see it as desperation to have the last word? Very good then. As for PMing you, what does it matter whether I have the last word here on this board or PM? Is one better than the other? Or is it just that you'd prefer I have the last word via PM?

"I don't love you enough to hate you!!"


As per IMDb rules of conduct, I'm trying to be considerate of other posters on this board who probably don't care to slog thru you thrashing about for another 20 inconsequential postings.

Again, please take it PM.


So I'm slogging now!! LOL You really are too much. So what have you been doing throughout all your inconsequential replies?

"I don't love you enough to hate you!!"


That was to read "thrashing" not slogging. You can PM me.

"I don't love you enough to hate you!!"


LaurelCyn, Quit wasting your time! This guy is obviously a last-worder. Don't bother! He is never going to take it PM because he is a last-worder. You kicked his ass pages ago but he keeps going, trying to rephrase, trying to rearrange the fact that if a show is boring it's not the audience's fault.

mrlpratt has LOL'd you to death, hit you with snarky personal attacks etc, and has posted 8 times since you asked him to go PM! He's never going to get it! Quit wasting your time.

Just my suggestion.


Now you're calling me a "last worder" when you obviously are just as guilty?
Are you also gonna chime in now and tell me what I said and have yet to produce/quote said statement made by me to back up your claim? Really?
If you find the show boring then that's on you man. I disagree. So that's on me.

Since you appear to love it I'll end with my signature LOL

"I don't love you enough to hate you!!"


I still don't get why people come to a board of a show they don't like. There's no rule against it, but it just seems like such a stupid waste of time. I barely have time to keep up with things I do like, but then I also have a life.


I know zanza862! It's like someone who tries to convince people she has such a busy life, but then continually posts (twelve times!) on a thread she calls stupid!

For someone like that I say; methinks thou protest too much.


LOL @ Zanza: you may join the fray. I hear you regarding those who don't like a show but in their defense, this is the place to discuss the shows. So even though they may not like a particular show it's totally within their right to express that. However, what I've been noticing is that those who don't like a particular show seem to think that something is "wrong" with those who do, and that is just wrong. Even the way they come at you speaks volumes. Then they have the nerve to get offended when you respond in kind. If this is a discussion board then let's discuss. But I don't take very kindly to cyber bullying, will not entertain it, and will squash it whenever/wherever. It's just that simple.

As for anime, unfortunately I have to admit I've never really gotten into it. So so so sorry lol. But that's me. However, I'd be a fool to down anyone who is into it. Everyone is entitled to their opinions, likes, dislikes and however they feel about anything is entirely on them since there will always be someone who feels differently. And that's just fine.

"I don't love you enough to hate you!!"


"mrlpratt has LOL'd you to death, hit you with snarky personal attacks etc, and has posted 8 times since you asked him to go PM! He's never going to get it! Quit wasting your time. Just my suggestion."

You're right stilavictor. Good suggestion. I'm done.


Very convenient cop out, LaurelCyn. I'm seriously disappointed in you. But hey, that's all on me. LOL

"I don't love you enough to hate you!!"


Good choice LaurelCyn. Flame wars are most often ridiculous and a waste of time, however this one boosted the thread so much that "Offensive to Law Enforcement" is the #1 thread on this board! Producers do monitor fansites to see the hot topics. Maybe they'll rethink portraying law enforcement as buffoons. Or not!


Sometimes people just need to have things pointed out to them. Let's hope!


Let me just add that I'm not a fan of shows pandering to fans' wishes. Once it's within reason then I guess it's ok. I've found that some fans can really go overboard regarding the direction they want a show to take. And the weird part is once the writers give in to the fans, those same viewers then get bored with the show and stop watching. So I would prefer shows to go out on their own terms rather than "whore" themselves and get cancelled anyway. ;o)

"I don't love you enough to hate you!!"


You are so right, Mrlpratt. You should have seen the board for In Plain Sight, a great show that went out a winner, staying true to the dynamic they developed over the years, but there was a small and very vocal segment that wanted the two leads to have a romantic relationship. Everything, and I mean everything, went against this sort of relationship but they screamed and whined and complained up to the LAST episode, which definitively established there would be no romance-never had been and never would be. And they're still complaining, and if they had gotten the romance they wanted, it would have been so against the characters they would have lost interest. Much better when a story is consistent with its own inner elements and logic.


So true Zanza862. Kinda reminds me of actors who get romantic after working on a movie together. They think because they had a great working relationship that that would cross-over to their personal lives, only to discover it wasn't the same once the director yelled "That's a wrap!" lol

I'm hopeful CL will be around for a long time. However, when the time comes for them to call it quits I'd rather they stick to what drew me to the show in the first place.

"I don't love you enough to hate you!!"


Travis & Wes...pursue any case without back up waiting in the wings. That scene was a perfect example of that collaboration between them and their precinct. Even though they were in the trailer, the minute the bad guys ran out of the trailer up comes the backup. So I doubt there would have been any lengthy shoot out before help arrived. In addition, why would the criminals have reason to come armed with grenades when things had been going so swimingly in the past with all their heists? As we are all aware, success does kinda breed complacency. So unless they were tipped off prior, which they weren't, they had no reason to come any more prepared than they normally had in the past.

Excellent post, Mrlpratt. I do remember thinking it was odd the bad guys were armed with shotguns, but I suppose there's an emotional/intimidation factor to a shotgun. I remember seeing a special on the history channel about guns, and one of the things they mentioned was that a pump-action shotgun can be manufactured to not make that distinctive sound it makes when you pump it, but they leave the sound because it's just so scary. Sharon Stone also talked in an interview about scaring off a burglar-she was yelling at him and he was ignoring her and continuing to try to break in, then she pumped her shotgun and he took off.


Thanks zanza862 ;o)

"I don't love you enough to hate you!!"
