MovieChat Forums > Accused (2010) Discussion > SPOILERS: Awful ending

SPOILERS: Awful ending

SPOILERS - this is about the ending.

SPOILERS - this is about the ending.

SPOILERS - this is about the ending.

SPOILERS - this is about the ending.

Imagine if juries really acted like that - let any accused tell you there sob story, don't question it and then let them off. The justice system would be a mockery, it would lead to anarchy. But then, what else would you expect from co-writer Alice Nutter? A simplistic view of what society should be like: "We're right, your're wrong and you just can't see it, so we should have it anyway."


Yes, no way that that decision would be given.

However I don't believe the factory would have got away with accidental death either. Tape gone missing my @rse.
They would ask for all the tapes to be looked at and if that was the only one missing there is not a lawyer in the world who would not pounce.
Whole thing was flawed.

Highly entertaining though.

Retrial would have got her away with diminished responsibility too.


I loved the ending. The point it was trying make was that the law was broken, and that somehow, true justice prevailed.

I hated the Boss's excuse for his negligence. Greed was essentially his downfall, and thats why the woman blew up his warehouse, as opposed to attacking him.

Although I cannot believe that her son's ID card would have still be usable long after his death.


I am really enjoying the series and yes if the law could never work how it did in that episode.

However i agree with one critic from the Times who said he thought it best to view the series not as presenting a completely realistic take on the world but more of a 'fairytale' take. Eg the bit in the Christopher Eccleston episode where he miraculously find sthe money in the cab and wins at the casino.

I am not familiar with McGovern's other works but what I have read from a few places is that his stuff often pushes the boundaries of realism so I have found that watching with this in mind has prevented me from worrying about whether events could be "real" and enjoy the story telling more.

Every episode has been thoroughly entertaining in my opinion. Although I felt the episode featuring the army was the most formulaic. Although the performances were strong I didn't think it really showed anything new that I had not seen before.


