MovieChat Forums > Accused (2010) Discussion > Kenny's Story question (spoilers)

Kenny's Story question (spoilers)

Did they not get the right man? Or did they and the dog was the one that attacked the landlords daughter?

Or was that just mere symbolism!?

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When the landlord came in to the party with his daughter. To me that was like the evidence of that the real child molester was still alive. That they killed an innocent man.
But now i see what your thinking of. And Kenny also accused one of his mates to have some paedophile tendencies remember.

Anyway. This episode was a 10 out of 10. Great plot and great actors. I was nailed to the chair...


I may be mistaken, but I thought the dog shown chasing the girl in the woods looked a bit different than that owned by the man who was killed. Also, I'm sure the girl would have told her father who attacked her. If it were just an attack by a dog, there would be no real cause for concern or evidence that the killer was still out there/that the dead man was the initial perpetrator.
