What an awful movie

Dialogue sounded like it was written by an 8 year old, the characters were completely one dimensional and not appealing. The plot? Stop me if you've heard this before, two down on their luck, loser types find each other and...well you know. Fine formula if done well, but this was done about as poorly as you possibly can. I loved Pam, but Jenna is not much of an actress and it really shows in scenes with Ackerman.


I agree completely.

Not that Ackerman is that great of an actor in my eyes but ye..


jeez lighten up. this movie had heart. too bad you couldn't see that.


agree with you on that :) sucha beautiful movie!


I agree with tkell31. This movie was a generic romantic comedy. I was over this movie not even halfway through but i finished it because i wanted to give Jenna Fischer a chance. Not once did i see her as the older sister. Aside from a few lines in the diner, her whole backstory was wasted. How was Chris Messina's character able to afford an entire studio loft by himself without any real income? And the ending was put together through short clips during the credits? Really?? Lol. I'm sorry Angelic1o7, there were small parts with heart in this movie, but overall it doesn't even deserve the score it got.


Yes, this movie had heart to spare. Loved it. The OP thinks the dialogue was written by an 8 year old? Unappealing characters? Well, then I must be the most unappealing 8 year old ever because I understood and related to this movie completely :-)

Not a convincing performance when Janice stood up to her sister? As someone who's been judged, misunderstood, and told to "grow up" and "be normal" (as if it was that easy) by my Mom and younger brother, I wanted to stand up and cheer for her in that scene. I'm a guy, but I'm not ashamed to say that scene choked me up a bit. Go, Janice. And Jenna :-)

And "loser" - ugh. Can we stop with that term please, you Social Darwinist douchebag "winners" (yeah, some prize you all seem like)? lol Not everything needs to be a competition. So, as an "8 year old", I'll just say: Loser? Takes one to know one :-P

Really is disheartening how many people slam this movie. But we shouldn't be surprised. The haters are the ones like in this movie, most of the "normal" world, following their lives according to plan like automaton rats in a maze, heartless and afraid of anything "different" or of displeasing anyone. Why do we put these jerks on a pedestal again? While we are the Tim and Janice's of the world, bravely standing up for what we believe, speaking out against your cruelties and injustices, and forging our own path. Saying "its ok to be lost". I know who I'd rather be :-)

"I like you 'cuz you're real. You don't pretend you've got it all figured out like everyone else."


Just another run of the mill Indie movie with a plot that has been done over and over again that nobody goes to see, if it gets a cinema release at all, usually ending up on Netflix. There some good Indie films around but too many unoriginal amateur tedious ones like this film.


What an awful person??? Am I now as original as you?



I agree...BAD movie...however, it had the potential to be a good film until it began to insult the viewers' intelligence left and right...
