Not bad, until.....

This was a pretty good movie until Janice just barged into the human resources manager's office at the zoo and just like, DEMANDED a better position with no explanation of how she was qualified for the job. Assistant Zoo Habitat Coordinators usually have at least a Zoology degree with a master's degree and to get such a job maybe even a doctorate!!! What a load of boloney! I could identify with her plight UNTIL that scene! The producer's of this film knew that was totally far-fetched, and it was an insult to most of this film's viewer intelligence. Gee, if it were just THAT easy to demand a great job like that with no experience or internships endured and GET IT!!! Mike Illich Jr., who was one of the producers of this film knows how it really is out in the REAL WORLD in regard to attaining employment today...SHAME ON YOU!!!


By the way, just because of this glaring inaccuracy in this film, which was a huge one, I had to give a potentially 8 or 9 star movie a 6-star rating...TOO BAD!



This was not a sci-fi or time-travel genre movie, so you've made the wrong assumption...I do enjoy them. This movie was not even close. A potentially good film was turned into a stupid film just by lack of thought.



It's a movie. A movie.


The OP has a valid point. I see no reason to attack him. It didn't ruin it for me but I did notice she walked away from her booth without securing the cart and where was the money bag?

The oddness of this sub standard cold weather zoo might have something to do with it.

Funny thing is, when she was discussing things with the main habitat guy in the trailer scene I wanted him to say something about, you have a real knack for this, you should take a class. Even offer to pay for it. So you can see that I was thinking on this same line.

Not sure I agree with the Shame on you part. The shame on you part is that there wasn't more pay off when she found out he was the Giant Mechanical Man. He should have been outside the theater not on a deserted train track at night.


It's only a movie...

It's only a movie...


Indeed. She should've been given the position of Assistant TO THE Zoo Habitat Coordinator.


Well she actually did not demand that particular job. She barged in with newborn fire in her heart and only said she wanted a "better" job, that she didn't like her current one. The point that she was way over qualified was also made clear, in that scene and earlier.

Earlier in the movie she showed decent insight about the monkey habitat and brought forth her ideas, which were well received. I think that was the reason the manager was willing to offer the assistant coordinator job.

Of course it was not apparent but I can only assume that a job like that has a "try out" period. The manager just gave her a chance.

Didn't bother me one bit.


I'm not even sure she'd want the job in reality. Since she was shy, plus didn't really seem like the Type A, competitive type. And its ok for people to be that way. I thought that was one of the messages of the movie - its ok to be "different" and follow your own path. To accept yourself, your "flaws", etc. As long as you're happy, who cares what anyone else thinks.

I know I've turned down higher responsibility jobs because I knew I couldn't handle the pressure/stress/responsibility. I know my limitations, strengths, and weaknesses. Not every job will be compatible for me. Not everyone has to be super ambitious/driven or define themselves or their success thru their career to feel purposeful or accomplished in life. More to life than work, power, and money, after all. And no, I'm not some rich, pampered, trust fund a-hole, thank you very much. I just know from experience who I am and what my values are, and what I am and am not willing to put up with. Like Tim and Janice. Life's too short to put up with abuse from anyone (partner, employer, co-workers, classmates, family, etc).

So yeah, it always kinda bums me out in indies when people "magically" become "normal", more assertive, "grown-up", etc at the end. Not that easy, folks. And why should people have to be that way?

The bar scene where the 2 (especially Tim) are being all social kinda bugged me for that reason, too. Is he an awkward misfit or isn't he? lol Maybe just situationally awkward. And he felt more comfortable among friends. Guess I was just kinda hoping those 2 were more the "private", introvert type, preferring 1 on 1 company to loud, overwhelming bars and big groups of people. Guess I was just projecting. Oh well. But its almost like they threw those 2 scenes in to make the characters more "normal", as if they were afraid people wouldn't find them "likeable" if they didn't :-/ But yeah, if I were her, I'd probably just be happy feeding the monkeys or the kids (same thing lol) or whatever she did there (been awhile since I watched) :-)

"I like you 'cuz you're real. You don't pretend you've got it all figured out like everyone else."
