That Play Looked Awful

With the murder and the guts. The playwright was bragging about he was a real artist because he added something. And all he could do was add some blood. Yech. The real artistic move was to realize the beauty in what you already had in the tapes and to not try to varnish it.


Yes, exactly.


Agreed. I turned to my husband while watching and noted that listening to the tapes themselves provided way more entertainment value. Plus, who can capture the true outrageous feral intensity of the real exchange? The can mimic it, but never feel it.



Yeah the dude who made the play came off like a real jerk. 'Art isn't recording the artifact, it's what you make based off of it' or some such nonsense, which really amounted to him patting his own back and putting them down.

I had a hard time believing they offered to give him 50% of any future grosses when they owned the tapes (and subsequent copyright) and were approached by a studio person already. Didn't make any sense that they'd just say 'sure, you made an awful, short, and redundant play, can we give you 50% of any deals?'

Both the play and movie looked terrible, I agree!

"dude i dont care i just love this movie you guys have a realy taste in movies what wrong with you"
