MovieChat Forums > The First Time (2013) Discussion > Was it just me or.....what exactly was u...

Was it just me or.....what exactly was up with Aubry????

Okay maybe it was just me but I was thoroughly confused by Aubry. I didn't get her at all!

This review may contain ****SPOILERS****!!!

It's almost like the movie didn't really explain WHY she was so awkward, why she was even dating that silly college guy when she was clearly not even into him, or even why she was so hesitant or against love in the first place! It was weird. I felt like the movie could have expounded a little more on her story. I was somewhat expecting her to have come from a single parent dysfunctional family where maybe her mom had a lot of bad relationships with men who have hurt her, or maybe even that she herself has been hurt pretty badly in the past, but NOPE! NOTHING!

She actually came from (what looked like to me to be) a very normal, loving, and stable family. I just don't get it.

Plus her awkwardness was spoiling things for me. It seemed like the kind of awkwardness that someone would have around someone that they probably know a little longer and have had more of a history with. Idk....Maybe it's just me.

I didn't even really sense that much chemistry between her character and Dylan's character. I think the fact that she was so AWKWARD even long BEFORE the sex scene made things feel weird to me. I thought Dylan was was almost like his character was a little more developed or something. At least with him there seemed to be a little back story, and his awkwardness and social weirdness just seemed like who he was. Plus I couldn't help but notice that Dylan is a GOOD actor, and he seemed a LOT more believable than Britt in this film. Their kissing scenes and love scene was hot and had a lot more chemistry (don't get me wrong lol!) , but after the party scene in the first 15 min of the movie it's like she became awkward for NO good reason.

I wish someone could explain why her character was that way? Also, she seemed almost like a stranger around her parents! That was weird lol. Either Britt isn't that good of an actress, or there were some clues as to why she was the way she was that I just didn't pick up on?


Put simply, she's an entitled brat who had a lot of false depth. I love the movie but her character made me cringe a lot. Acting like she knew it all when she was very immature.


I totally agree, She seemed confident and comfortable in the first scene, and then inexplicably she would blurt out some corny philosophical line and make everything awkward. I also don't understand the relevance of the scene where she told her family that she "met a boy" and that she loved them. I didn't realise she had a bad relationship with her parents, especially because of the earlier scene where they seemed pretty lenient about her spilling the wine on the carpet. I didn't understand her character at all.
The other thing I think is pretty strange is how Dave continually expressed how in love he was with Jane (to the point of saying he didn't even fantasise about her, he was just in love with who she is) and then so quickly dropped that and moved on to Aubrey. That whole "falling in love with the girl next door/best friend/ unexpected character" has been done a hundred times, and in many different ways, but this wasn't one of the best.
I think the film was pretty mediocre and filled with a ton of cliches - the actors weren't particularly great and neither was the writing.


Aubrey's character confused me. She says she hates cheesy things but she "digs" Dave, who is very cheesy (with the poetic confession to Jane and the dance).
