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NO ONE LIVES Intro, Q+A video from TIFF 2012 Midnight Madness - SPOILERS

Saw the premiere of this film at TIFF last night and recorded the intro with Ryuhei Kitamura here:

And the post-film Q&A here:

WARNING: Q&A has at least one, possibly two MAJOR PLOT SPOILERS in it, discussed at length, so proceed with CAUTION.


I'll click on the link tomorrow, but I want to know how was the movie.


Kind of lame, in my opinion. It was really campy, which sometimes works if it's intentional, but this didn't feel intentional at all. The acting is pretty awful as well. Could have been a lot better.


I have to see it.

I give horror a bit more slack than I would any other genre, if it's relatively decent.

Fans on Twitter appear to like it.

Here's a review that is not reviewing as Oscar material but simply what it attempts to be:


Definitely didn't find it "campy", as another poster already suggested, at least not by the traditional definitions of "camp." While it's not classic, it IS different, and possesses some original ideas and a couple of worthy twists. At the same time, like every other horror movie ever made, it's not immune to falling back on comfortable cliches to get the job done when necessary. The acting is professional across the board, and not "bad". It's just the kind of acting you'd expect in a horror film at this level: these folks are not out to win awards, but they do bring actual acting skills to the table. My thinking is it will probably go straight to DVD after a very limited theatrical run, not unlike Midnight Meat Train.


Hey all! I was just wondering if anyone had or could possibly get this script to me?? Been really wanting to read it for so long! Don't have anything to trade right now but it would be sooo appreciated!!! Thanks! [email protected]
