Did he have a snorkel

when he was hiding in that corpse? I was laughing my ass off that this guy wasn't suffocated.

Kentoc'h mervel eget bezañ saotret


Made me think of Luke being in the tauntaun in Empire Strikes Back.


Luke wasn't facedown in the thing.

Kentoc'h mervel eget bezañ saotret


It's a little known fact, but when a person hides inside another person they go into an embryo state where they are able to breath through the other person, even if the other person is dead. They are also able to hear everything around them and know what everyone is doing which is how he knew to come out at that moment.


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yeah, right


Wow, you totally saw through his ruse! Are you a detective???


So what you're saying is the fat dead guy became his mom and gave birth to him. Cool.


I think the killer may have carved a hole out of the fat guy's chest to breath through but covered it with the dead guy's shirt so the others wouldn't notice. That's the only explanation that I got.

Welcome to my Nightmare- Freddy Krueger


Good theory Dream Demon

Lara Croft Himiko! The First Sun Queen! This is Yamatai.


I dunno.... I only tried it once, and I couldn't hear anything in there.


i only made it with my dick


Whole lot of ugly from a never ending parade of stupid.


That whole part was just ridiculous. How would a person just seamlessly fit inside another person? I wouldn't overthink it.


The Driver does seem to have a skill set that would be perfect for a Taken movie so...
