MovieChat Forums > Walking with Dinosaurs 3D (2013) Discussion > I hope that they learned their lesson......

I hope that they learned their lesson... now how about a real WWD movie?

Not only was this movie panned by critics, it was a mild dissapointment at the box office considering its budget. We all know it was the last minute decision of the studio to add the voice overs in order to aim the film more at children (sigh... as if dinosaurs don't have enough appeal to children already). The weird part about that is that they took a franchise that was very popular among all age groups and narrowed it down to a very small demographic. It just shows how out of touch Hollywood executives can be with their audience. They were handed a popular formula on a silver platter and decided to tinker with it. It's a classic case of 'don't fix what isn't broken'.

But... the Walking with Dinosaurs franchise is alive and well. The Arena Spectacular is still touring, they even updated their animatronic dinosaurs with feathers. How about if the BBC or another studio did a new movie and did it right this time? I don't think Hollywood is going to pick up such a project anytime soon after the failure of this flick. But maybe it's for the better... we probably need a smaller studio that understands how to make such a film.
