Secret Butt Fun!!

Only thing I know about this show.


The show honestly is a well-kept secret...but it's a lotta fun!!! ;D

A few thoughts on the latest episodes and whatnot:

I love it, myself. It's no My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic, but it could still stand to be better promoted by Hasbro, maybe in a way that would give more people the incentive to start watching it as well. Many people who do give it a chance find that they really do enjoy it. I personally also like their new Strawberry Shortcake's Berry Bitty Adventures series, though that one doesn't seem to hold the same appeal for a lot of older viewers--and I can understand. It's far more juvenile than Pound Puppies, and both those shows are inferior in quality to MLP.



But it's just ever so appropriate! Behold!

I like you, Um. I like largeness...
