MovieChat Forums > Persecuted (2014) Discussion > Message to whoever is already trashing t...

Message to whoever is already trashing this movie

Guys, this is getting ridiculous. Liberals claim to be SO tolerant of everybody but the second somebody mentions a Christian opinion, they're tossed out. Doesn't that make you hypocrites?
There are holier-than-thou hypocritically-judging Christians out there. Matter a fact there are many of them. But like I said, they're hypocritical as well. Deep down, they think that they're perfect, and they give Christianity the bad and now stereotypical name they have today. These Christians are actually in the minority.
There are also those who claim to be Christian that make God out to be evil (Westboro) or that kill abortion doctors to stop abortions (Army of God). These people are indeed very lost as well, and they rationalize their twisted so-called logic in their own minds and try to make themselves look perfect to the outside world. These are much more in the minority than the holier-than-thou's.

The majority of Christians know without a doubt that they are broken, that they are imperfect, and that they sin all the time against God. That's why they (and I) needed and will always need a Savior in Jesus Christ. If we were all so self-righteous, why then would we worship a righteous being and not consider ourselves the be-all-end-all of the universe.

I tolerate atheism and agnosticism along with any other religions, just like the majority of Christians do. Do we try to convert people? Name one religion that doesn't. But do true Christians use fear tactics and try to scare people into the faith, and massacre those who don't convert? Of course not. But unfortunately that is what we have been made out to be. Monsters. But in reality, we're a peaceful people of a common faith in God.


I completely agree, 100%. There are many, many movies out there, and if people don't want to watch one or don't like the plot, don't watch it! There are many movies I avoid but I don't go bash it all over the internet. I just let it be.

I also agree with what you said about some Christians giving the faith a bad name. You are very right. So many people try to use the Bible and our belief to justify hateful actions, which is 100% wrong.

Twisting the Word is a lot easier than people realize, and many need to step back and look at their own life. Christ is about love, forgiveness, patience, understanding, and giving.

- Jeremiah 29:11 -


Uhm, as a non-christian, I have indeed had christians (some who would consider themselves very very well meaning) tell me that I'm going to hell, that I deserve to burn for eternity, that I shouldn't even live in this country, etc. Also, before you chime in with "those weren't real christians!" please, check into a little something called the 'No True Scotsman Fallacy'.
The reason that non christians don't like these movies (and ones like God is not dead) is because it frames a minority that is ACTUALLY persecuted and discriminated against as an all powerful majority persecuting Christians.
There are still 6 states in this country that have laws on the books restricting atheists from holding public office (even though this is entirely unconstitutional).
Atheist and pagan parents have had custody of their children taken away from them simply and openly (as in, quotes from the judge) based on their religious beliefs or lack thereof.
Blankly stated, Christians do not face persecution in this country. They are the vast majority, and even more in power than their numbers (i.e. something like 20% of the populace does not personally identify as Christian, but 90%+ of public officials do). Their belief is supported on the currency. Their prayers open civic events. Quotes from their holy book are on government buildings. But it is NEVER ENOUGH for them. It seems like simply daring to exist openly in this country and not be Christian (or at least, not a member of an Abrahamic faith) makes you the bad guy, unAmerican, to be regarded with anger and distrust.
This is not what America should be.


Atheism is not a religion, that's why the don't convert BUT they do give donations and do volunteer work without expecting anyone to join their flock.

But do true Christians use fear tactics and try to scare people into the faith, and massacre those who don't convert? Of course not


But in reality, we're a peaceful people of a common faith in God.

You should do more research, you'll find out there's been plenty of wars that were started because there was a difference of opinion on how to worship God.

Brought to you by Carl's Jr


Said plot hole being that only a gop would consider putting forth the unite-all-faiths legislation that the movie revolves around? But why let something like existing Constitutional law and it's whole "no laws respecting an establishment of religion" thing get in the way of a good woe-is-me panegyric?

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