Hypocrisy of the left

DO NOT say anything even remotely offensive about someone's race or sexuality, but it's open season on Christians. I say this and I'm agnostic. I just can't stand smarmy pseudo intellectuals, condescending to people


I call them liberal elitists. They're today's Nazi party so to speak. I don't have much time for their anti-choice, anti-freedom rhetoric. It's us conservatarians, as I call myself that are truly for choice in all aspects of life. I'm for gay marriage, choice in abortion even though I personally find it repugnant, it's still up to the woman not me to make that decision. I'm for free enterprise, less federal government oversight and control and more for State's rights. I'm for restructured healthcare to cover all as long as each State runs it without mandates from the federal government. I'm for the second amendment. I respect each person's choice to do what's best for them. Liberals in no way are for any of that. They say you have to accept climate change as the only way to believe or that the federal government has to take care of us or mass immigration should be law. God, they make me sick. It's the same thing with this movie, look who's here attacking it but left wing hacks. They hate Christians and Jesus Christ. Again, it's their choice and I respect the fact they should be allowed to make that choice but don't dare tread on me!!!



This is funny. You took all this time to respond. Get a job!


it's still up to the woman not me to make that decision

Wrong, murdering babies is not a "decision," it's just murder. And no one has the "right" to murder anyone else. You should be ashamed of yourself for condoning the murder of babies.

"Science creates fictions to explain facts" - Gilman


A fetus isn't a baby and it's life is contingent upon the mother even being able to take care of it. Quit being stupid.


Well aren't you interesting! Please, tell us more about yourself.


I just can't stand smarmy pseudo intellectuals, condescending to people

Then you must have a hard time with yourself considering you painted the whole left in that manner.


"The teaching of religion... is a poison."
-- http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1761005/board/nest/232074063?d=232245694#232245694

"This movie should not be tolerated."
-- http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1761005/board/nest/232074063?d=232251819#232251819

"I hope there is a special place in hell for [an alleged Christian] Scott"
-- http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1761005/board/thread/232355063?d=232355603#232355603

"overall stupidity and arrogance was the hallmark of the Dark Days of Dubya"
-- http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1761005/board/nest/232074063?d=232356819#232356819

"And you gops sure do love to race-hustle when it suits your agenda of failure, fearmongering, peckerwood, and homosexual rape"
-- http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1761005/board/nest/232074063?d=232356819#232356819

The proof is right here.


The proof is right here.

Pretty bad proof considering:

1. 5 Examples isn't a representative sample.
2. Only one is actually an example of condescending behavior.

But hey, I guess when you've got nothing, pointing out facts would look that way to you.


There's nothing more safe or acceptable than being a Christian in America. If you want to expose real persecution you would need to pick ANY other race or religion out there. And if you really want to see what it's like to be hated come out as an atheist to your coworkers and family/friends.

Touch darkness and darkness touches you back.


In my opinion, atheists are just plain stupid. That said, the only reason some might persecute them is because they're most likely the same in judgment of Christians or Jews like Madelyn Murry O'Hair. Now there's a real nitwit for you, a criminal too!


In my opinion, atheists are just plain stupid. That said, the only reason some might persecute them is because they're most likely the same in judgment of Christians or Jews like Madelyn Murry O'Hair. Now there's a real nitwit for you, a criminal too!

I don't think people are stupid for their faith or lack of it, but it's pretty ignorant to believe the words of ancient men who thought the earth was flat.


IF you're going to make a claim like that then you better be able to back it up with something tangible. For insistence, the more educated someone is the less religious they end up being. I'm not just making that claim, I'm providing you with proof. Your turn.

http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/08/14/religious-people-less-intelli gent-atheists_n_3750096.html

Touch darkness and darkness touches you back.


Wait a second, you are citing a site that advocates for murdering babies in order to "prove" your claim that "religious people are less educated [i.e. intelligent]?"

Nothing is less educated/intelligent than psychos who murder and/or are in favor of murdering babies: they are outright insane.

"Science creates fictions to explain facts" - Gilman


What are you blathering about? No one is advocating the murder of children, even Fox news wouldn't do that.

Touch darkness and darkness touches you back.


What are you blathering about? No one is advocating the murder of children, even Fox news wouldn't do that.

I'm not blathering, just stating the facts. You are right that Fox news probably would not advocate for murdering children, however, media outlets run by liberal nutjob psychopaths do.

Huffington Post advocates for the murder of babies all the time. I.e.:

http://www.huffingtonpost.com/kirsten-west-savali/fathers-financial-ab ortion_b_1015286.html

And so too is Hoov condoning those same murders in his posts in this very thread.

"Science creates fictions to explain facts" - Gilman


Abortion is not the murder of children. Not only is there no scientific basis for that but you immediately out yourself as a nutjob by making that claim.
Touch darkness and darkness touches you back.


In my opinion, atheists are just plain stupid. That said, the only reason some might persecute them is because they're most likely the same in judgment of Christians or Jews like Madelyn Murry O'Hair. Now there's a real nitwit for you, a criminal too!

In fact, you're a libelous bigot.


INSIST that you have a right to demean others based on their membership in a subgroup mentioned in the HR literature, but it's open season on anybody who reciprocates on your own kind.

Your replies will be graded & possibly used as material in future projects.


I never heard of a person losing their job because they were a christian. I've heard a few stories about race and sexuality.

So in short, be glad you only have to deal with insults, it's a lot better than being on the receiving end of a beating then getting arrested for it. I'm only speaking from experience.

Brought to you by Carl's Jr


I never heard of a person losing their job because they were a christian. I've heard a few stories about race and sexuality.

Blacks have by far the highest crime, unemployment and government assistance rates in the country. Instead of everyone bending over backwards kissing their asses, they need to be held accountable for the drain they put on society.


Cause and effect, when you marginalize a group of people and condemn them to a life of poverty that group will disproportionately commit more crime. IT's not genetics, it's economics.

Touch darkness and darkness touches you back.


Is it really so difficult for you to not make offensive remarks about minorities?

Further, you are engaged in deflection. Instead of addressing the problem at hand (the bigotry of the Right), you deflect on the faults of the left in an attempt to make a false equivalence and score some points. That's a moral choice on your part.

** Well, Hip-Hip-Hooray for your cheap climax! **


This may not have been the best movie ever made but I agree. The "politically correct" left, cleverly disguised as broad-mindedness, does not include Christian values and traditions and I say this as a Christian who is liberal or left of center on most issues.

Anyone who dares to assert that Jesus Christ is God is now damned by liberal opinion.


This may not have been the best movie ever made but I agree. The "politically correct" left, cleverly disguised as broad-mindedness, does not include Christian values and traditions and I say this as a Christian who is liberal or left of center on most issues.

Anyone who dares to assert that Jesus Christ is God is now damned by liberal opinion.



DO NOT say anything even remotely offensive about someone's race or sexuality, but it's open season on Christians.
Do you want to be able to say offensive things about a person's race or sexuality and not be called on it?
