MovieChat Forums > Ill Manors (2012) Discussion > Ambitious Low budget Movie that works

Ambitious Low budget Movie that works

Thought not without faults this film which cost £100,000 looks a lot better than many that cost ten times this.

The direction/Camera work and editing is top notch and though using some gimmicks like timelapse and alternative mediums it never gets jaded. The non-linear narrative (much like GO/The Killing or Pulp Fiction) is well crafted hooking in even the minor characters. Add to this a 'greek chorus' of rap/hiphop and you have a very original urban crime drama that avoids the cliches and gives us a real slice of that life, Brv!!


This is definitely well worth watching! It's good to see such a well made British film. I was sceptical going in to the showing, but it made compelling viewing with never a dull moment. Also the soundtrack was really good, and a very clever narative tool - I've never been a fan of Plan B but I'll be looking to get the album.


£100,000!? That is very impressive.



Just saw this today. Went in knowing nothing.

Boy was I impressed.

Those giraffes you sold me, they won't mate. You sold me queer giraffes.


When i saw the budget was £100,000 i assumed it'd be an amateur cheap looking movie. Turns out it's one of the best low budget movies i've ever seen. Amazed it cost so little to make, looks professional and the story is intriguing. Who knew Plan B had a talent for making movies. Impressive Gritty UK film, recommended.


Indeed, very good for that budget and even more so knowing it was by a first time director, and some of the actors were his buddy hip-hopers. Well acted and cleverly edited, however a bit inconsistent and hectic at times.



Loved the film tbh totally engrossed and bolds well for his future work


Was very impressed with the film. It's a very assured film debut for Ben Drew ad I was thinking it would end up absolute crap ike Noel Clarke's films but this is on a par with Shane Meadows, Ken Loach, and even one or two American directors.
It does have it's flaws. The acting is not ALL good but -by and large- it is. Riz is a very good and likeable actor and I would watch him in the lead of otherfilms to come too. Older, more exprienced actors like Lee Whitlock and Natalie Press give it quality too, and even the younger kids were not as annoying as they ll seem to be in Noel Clarke films, basically playing those sort of people.

It was airly pedestrian at moments but the story was the main thing and the direction and most of the dialogue was very good.
Ben Drew really surprised me here because I thought it would be weak, full of cliches and -basically, absolute rubbish but it surprised me. He got a decent cast and made a very expensive looking film. It's bleaker than Gary Oldman's Nil By Mouth and I could see Drew actually making a film THAT GOOD one day with more practise.
But above all it was the film that Noel Clarke wishes he could make.

Trade- phenodihydrochloride benzelex
Street- the embalmer


I'm astonished this only cost £100k to make. To put this into some context, SkyFall cost £150m - 1,500 times the budget of Ill Manors. I saw this two weeks ago and SkyFall only two nights ago but this is the movie that will stay with me for longer.

A very accomplished debut and you can only imagine how good a film maker Drew could become in ten years time.

"It's because of movies like this that illegal downloading exists and you can be bored for free..."


This film does work and it's because the script cares about its central characters of Ed and Aaron. I loved the narrative and all the characters and the soundtrack.

Fatima had a fetish for a wiggle in her scoot


Hahaha, the direction sucks, big time!


The storyline might be done in lots of US urban films and I kept thinking back to Dennis Hopper's Colors but the ambition shown by the director has to be applauded.

Its that man again!!
