MovieChat Forums > Ill Manors (2012) Discussion > Absolute stereotypical garbage

Absolute stereotypical garbage

Real talk? Street life? RUBBISH!!
I like Plan B (Ben Drew) as a musician and he's OK as an actor, I'm not a hater, but as a writer/director of this stereotypical, clichéd, piece of cinematic garbage he should be ashamed!
A disgusting waste of celluloid and the biggest disappointment is that Riz Ahmed, an excellent British actor allowed himself to be dragged down to this level.
Noel Clarke must be laughing his socks off and Ben Drew should hang his head in shame!!
I can't even put into words the amateurishness of this Film School project. We've seen it all before and with a lot less money spent on it - AWFUL!!!



Agreed. Bollocks. Best film of its kind.

I don't have to sell my soul, he's already in me.


Agree. Ben should stick to plan B.


And what was your role in this film before you got sacked? Obviously a troll with an axe to grind.


agreed. utter dross. the only high point was that fit sla g jody. hubba hubba


Well, the realism might had been a bit stretched in this one, but Ill Manors to Kidulthood is like East London to West London.. Different levels of the underworld.



At times it wasn't that bad. Like plenty of films it went downhill the longer it went on. The believability plummeted. A posh-ish white guy buying gak off some kids on the street? Come on everyone knows that wouldn't happen and even if it did those kids deliver in a car you don't go to them. I do agree this town is in a mess but this film went too extreme in its bid to convince us. I found the casting dubious especially the older black dealer when he was spewing patois it made me cringe.


Sorry I don't understand what you mean by A posh-ish white guy buying gak off some kids on the street? Come on everyone knows that wouldn't happen and even if it did those kids deliver in a car you don't go to them.

are you saying posh white kids don't drive into shady areas to buy drugs ?
and that drug dealers only deliver drugs to you in a car ?

because if that's what your implying that's complete rubbish, please tell me how you came to these conclusions

please note im not attacking you I just would like to know why you are of this opinion.

it's only after we've lost everything that we're free to do anything.



explain why it isn't real street life, if you are going to make such a statement at least back it up. Unless you live on these estates and are part of the underclass depicted in this film I don't see how you can say that? I thought the brilliance was in how the film involves you in the lives of these people through understanding partly why they had ended up addicted to drugs and living this way and the very real people they were. There are plenty of people living a hand to mouth existence in squalor who will do almost anything to pay for their addictions, trapped on sink estates. The end gave a message of hope with Arun make a positive choice to leave I loved Ben Drew as the cab driver taking Arun on to what I hoped was a better life

"If you gentlemen dont mind I'd rather not spend the rest of this Winter tied to this beep chair"!
