MovieChat Forums > Ill Manors (2012) Discussion > a few issues with this film

a few issues with this film

This film has some great acting and has been shot in a really good way but what ruins it for me is this :

The over exaggerated story line and stereotypes.

The fact that everyone seems to be pedophiles.

The fact that i don't have any sympathy for any of the characters.

Even though i cant develop any sympathy for the characters, the film tries far too much to make you feel sorry for them.

The unbelievable use of guns and violence.

The film even tries to give justification to there actions.

Its not that I'm being arrogant or ignoring the problems. yes the UK does have a gang problem, yes it has a drug problem, yes it has a prostitution problem, but this film makes it look like London like its a ghetto from South Africa.

For a start shootings aren't an everyday thing that people just expect, there not even a monthly things in the UK. Since when have chavs been smarter enough to kidnap people or any of the others things they do in this film ?, the ones ive seen growing up in my street can barely string a sentence together ! what im trying to say is, crime is a lot more organized, its not a bunch of teens in hods running around shooting everyone and selling babies.

SOME Council estates can be a bit rough and not the most welcoming places at night, but they are certainly not no go areas all day every day. Chavs aren't just on the estates either its a social thing, its people who are too lazy to get off there arses and doing something with there lives,who believe for some reason they are hard done by ! They can be from the estates or just sponge of there rich parents.

The kinda of people being shown in this film deserve no sympathy and there isn't any justification for anything they do.
In the UK we have every means possible to better our self's and to do well in life :

free education up to university level for all ages.

free health care

free housing

A welfare system, that pays for people to have children and pays more then some jobs.

countless organizations that help people from poorer backgrounds.

There is very few if any countries that give there people so many ways to better them self's. Yes theses services may not be perfect. Speaking as someone who came from nothing, who grew up on the estates and worked my way to where i am, i have a good job, my own house and amazing friends.
I'm not saying it was easy to get here but i know that there is support there, if you choose not to use it and to become some chavy thug, why should we sympathize with them ? i say we lock them up and make them work !these people are bringing down society.

Why is everybody a pedo ? someone answer me ?

i know there are problems in this country, but there way to over exaggerated ! and because of my lack empathy for the type of people the actors are playing and because the film makes pretty unbelievable it meant that i had a hard time getting in to the film.

The one story line i did like was the prostitute and her baby, simply because it was believable

The film wasn't awful and there was someone funny moments (not sure they were meant to be) the acting was good, it lacks soo much, Ben should just stick to music.


Well put !


hahaha cheers !


There are a fair few issues with this 'review'.
You clearly don't have a very clear view of 'real life' in the UK. Gun crime happens about once a month haha wake up.
One tip for you as I don't want to waste any more of my time replying to this joke and picking at every mistake you made;
Learn to write in English correctly before criticising the great work of other people.
Thank you and good night.


I'm guessing you don't know what a paedophile is, because as far as I remember it, there was only one in the film and I wasn't even sure about that one.

I should add that murders may be fairly low (about 50 a month), but gun crime is on the rise, as are shootings. People, unfortunately, tend not to die as readily as they used to from gun violence, due to the rise in medical knowledge and trauma care.


You may live in the UK but you're not from the UK as its paedophile in England not pedophile, which sounds like an implement for the feet. Also it's selves and not self's. AND OT: I disagree with virtually every point you make with regards the film and the failure to understand why a generous welfare system does not rescue people from grim lives.

Why do you refuse to remember me?


"Everyone seems to be pedophiles"

Really? What a bizarre thing to take away from this movie especially considering there was a grand total of 1 paedo in this film and he was preying on girls that had already reached sexual maturity.
(and you accuse this film of exaggerating? pot-kettle-black)

Anyway I don't blame any Londoner who thinks that the city's portrayal in this film is a fabrication. For what it's worth here's my way of looking at it:
There is more than one London, each one has it's own rules, code-of-conduct, dialect and fashion. Growing up in dodgy areas in south london and going to a posh(ish) college in Twickenham gave me a clear demonstration that many people from one London have never connected with the other London(s) on any meaningful level, and consequently for them, it doesn't really exist.

What was John Major's quote: "Britain will still be the country of long shadows on cricket grounds, warm beer, invincible green suburbs, dog lovers and pools fillers". I have friends who would say that this quote is an accurate portrayal of the world they grew up in. Conversely, I also grew up with people who started out as reasonably decent kids but got lured into drugs and crime. From the things they've admitted to me and the things I've seen with my own two eyes, I would definitely say there's more truth to this film than we'd like to believe.

Anyway, enough babble.


Boy you must have some issues if you see kiddy fiddlers everywhere!

Its that man again!!
