what can we do...

... to save our little Angels?
Oh my Dearest Friends? It cannot be real!
We have to fight and get them back...
I do not want to believe it is true...
Our Angels are History! They cannot do that!
What can we do? How can we fight, My Dearest Friends?


You can start petitions, write letters to other networks sometimes it works. It worked for oth on Cw numerous times and sometimes it doesn't work .

sig- "Proud Storywriter since 1990"



It truly doesn't hurt to try, and if it doesn't work which there is a chance it will not. At least we tried and showed what supportive fans we were:) .

sig- "Proud Storywriter since 1990"


Tell you guys what make a petition and facebook for Charlie's Angels and leave petiton link in your sig saying save Charlie's Angels and hope there enough fans to sign it and maybe nonfan who getting f up what ABC is doing like All my children fans maybe they sign the petition to get back at ABC

Now end of day and Iam the Reaper:Silent hill



Petitions don't work. I started a petition to prevent shows as bad this one from airing and they still inflicted 4 episodes on an unsuspecting population.

There's no way that anyone involved in this decision making process was/is listening to any kind of feedback. There's not a chance in heck that focus groups gave this show their blessing. Sure, the premise might have had some legs, but, to any non mentally impaired human being, the acting is laughably bad.



Petitions don't work. I started a petition to prevent shows as bad this one from airing and they still inflicted 4 episodes on an unsuspecting population.

There's no way that anyone involved in this decision making process was/is listening to any kind of feedback. There's not a chance in heck that focus groups gave this show their blessing. Sure, the premise might have had some legs, but, to any non mentally impaired human being, the acting is laughably bad.


I laugh but the latter half of what you said is so very true. All of it.

Panem et Circenses.


it is gone...go watch something else...or better yet turn off the TV and go outside. Remember: your parents basement is not the whole world.



you can read my post and write via emails and real letters to the makers of this version and throw that pitch to them

Rudayo Drive


The CW may be the best choice. Its already like a CW show anyway.



Start a Facebook campaign.


Petitions don't work.

Wrong they do work sometime and tell that Sienna Guillory fans/Resident evil fans who sign a petition to bring her back for fourth resident evil movie as Jill and we sign another petition to bring not long ago to her back in fifth resident evil movie and Sienna is back as Jill Valentine in resident evil retribution.

Now end of day and Iam the Reaper:Silent hill



Whoever make save Charlie's Angels petiton
I will sign it and even know a very long shot saving the show? but never hurts to try

Now end of day and Iam the Reaper:Silent hill


I found 1 petition going; over 4k signatures so far




@t Itolman going fix your link http://www.petitiononline.com/Keepangl/petition.html

I sign the petition

Now end of day and Iam the Reaper:Silent hill


first of all its LTOLMAN not ITOLMAN lol

Secondly; are you having problems with the link I provided? I'm confused (post above this)



That link you made clickable seems to be about making another movie. Not try to save the tv show,.

sig- "Proud Storywriter since 1990"


I think the poor quality of the movies is what made people roll their eyes (aside from the fact that the 2011 series was another reboot), and dismiss this version altogether without giving it a chance.



I would love to see it saved, if for no other reason to read all the crazy, hateful posts from all of the haters who claim not to watch the show but then can't stay off of the boards.


Oh thank you so much my Dearest Friends for all your support! We have to fight and we will get our so cherished Angels back very soon. We have to do something, our Angelic Heaven must survive. Maybe we should ask our Dearest Mike Pingel of charliesangels.com to help us. He is a Master about all the Angelic stuff... Let's try it! Let's find ideas to get our beloved show back! I would love Heather Locklear to be part of it!
Oh my dearest MonicaSellers2, I am so glad you are back here. I missed you so much!


Thank you my Dearest Friend lphilipe, I think you should contact the people who ran the "Save Melrose Place" Facebook campaign and have them start one for Charlie's Angels. Heather would make a great addition to this show.
