Robbie the Robot...

Robbie has been in a ton of movies, TV shows and commercials over the years. Sometimes his appearance is altered a bit.

I'm really curious if there is just one Robbie costume out there, or if there were multiple Robbie costumes making the rounds in Hollywood...


That question crossed my mind also. Just seemed a bit odd that such a famous movie prop, known the world over would be sitting in a guys spare bedroom in suburbia. But I guess if you have enough money to buy these props you get to put them wherever you like.

I think Robbie should be in the Smithsonian.

Phantom Fan


I agree that he should be in a museum.

I've seen him with completely different heads, arms and chest panels. The only parts that seem to be always the same are the legs/feet and the base torso piece. (Although, come to think of it, when he was on the 'Love Boat', he had no legs)

So if they're just using him like parts of a really expensive Lego set, I find it hard to believe that there's only one base torso and set of legs.



According to an old Starlog mag that I have, a copy of Robbie was made from the original. This is the one that we see pop up from time to time in the 70’s and 80’s shows. Shows like Wonder Woman, Colombo and so on.
