MovieChat Forums > Battle of Los Angeles (2011) Discussion > Oh come on now. A rating of 2.0 ???

Oh come on now. A rating of 2.0 ???

That means some muppet has obviously awarded this POS more than 1 (which in itself is more than it deserves).

I despair for people sometimes, I really do.



Maybe there's nudity in the 90% of the movie I couldn't bring myself to watch?


It's a mockbuster, it's not supposed to be that great. I thought it wasn't that bad at all. I liked it. I gave it a 10.0 vote, but really a 6 because they really tried hard to make a good movie. lol I aim to misbehave!


Great? How about it's supposed to be at least marginally mediocre. They tried hard? It looked like it was made by a high school class, badly. You are a moron.


I think the whole point of movies like this is trying to make you laugh. It's not good if you expect a decent movie. But films like this makes me laugh because of the hilarity of the acting, plot and dialogue: a smile-maker on a bad day.


Nah, smile maker would be Army of Darkness or something like that. This was just crap.

I had a terrible case of midichlorians but I replaced them with some CGI butterflies.


More like a colon tingler when constipated and trying to take a crap.


I can understand a 2: Nia Peeples was arching her back a lot and her jumpsuit was pretty tight...



News flash; it's up to 2.1 now.

I agree; I can't understand how the needle moved off 1.0. In fact, if the system allowed rating a movie 0.0 I would do so.


if it was possible to give this piece of crap a 0, I would have
