MovieChat Forums > Emergo (2012) Discussion > Don't get involved in ghost hunting

Don't get involved in ghost hunting

These ghost hunting or paranormal researching movies and reality shows might be entertaining to watch in a jump-out-of-your seat horror flick way, but take it from me, it's best never, never, never to directly involve yourself in any actual ghost hunting, supernatural communication, seances, or the like. You never know what can happen when you inadvertently invite some malevolent spirit (not a human ghost) to attach itself to you. If that happens, your problems are only just beginning. Orthodox priest, Father George Aquaro is right. Once evil is turned out into the world, it is exceedingly difficult to put back into the box. Don't let yourself be in the position of trying to put something very bad back into the box that you have let out. Human souls do exist as ghosts but they're troubled souls in purgatory trying to expunge their sins here on earth. Anything else trying to scare the wits out of you or trying to hurt you or falsely promising to do something for you while really trying to hurt you is actually an evil spirit. Don't believe them. Best to keep away. You wouldn't willingly jump into the tiger or lion caged enclosure at the zoo, or jump into the pool with the polar bears there also. So why surround yourself with evil entities?


Bollox. Ghosts and paranormal activity DO NOT exist, only the feeble minded fools believe in this tosh, Sure I can watch countless movies and read numerous books about this subject, unfortunately, it is a fantasy, it does not exist in any way, shape or form. you may as well believe in a creator being who made entire planets in the space of 1 week and tells you not to eat from 1 Apple tree. tells you that females are the cause of original sin and that babies who aren't christened will burn in hell. I await the drudge of proof responses.




Seriously, who came up with the idea of ghosts, there was no one who invented them, they've always been, spirits are real, my house is haunted and 4 completely different psychics etc have stated that my house is possessed by evil spirits. Don't take the mick out of this guy, you're all narrow minded buffoons, *beep*

Charlie:- The Evil Dead (2013)
