MovieChat Forums > Twixt (2012) Discussion > Folding table and chair

Folding table and chair

Bit a silly question. Why did our writer really need to take his own table and chair with him? He didn't use them to sell his books and most motels if not all have a table and chair already (as did his in the story) which an inebriated writer would probably find comfortable enough. So why lug them around and why all the pomp and ceremony of showing us how it opened? Now, I thought they were both fabulous and even went on line to check out the company who makes them even though I too have no need for traveling furniture. I mean they were beyond adorable and nifty but rather redundant. So was this an ad for the company? Anyone else find it odd?


Actually I thought that scene was amazing.

Writers have rituals to distract them from the terror of the blank page. Notice how every piece of the layout was adjusted and readjusted.

A very successful novelist I knew wrote his first draft with a green pentel pen in an exercise book.

Yeah, it's me


I recently heard about one writer (I can't remember who) who had his own signal to himself to start writing. When the model canon on his desk was turned with the barrel pointing at him, that was his "trigger" to start writing. Hey, whatever works!

Me? I aim to misbehave.
