MovieChat Forums > Twixt (2012) Discussion > So the extra t is not a typo?

So the extra t is not a typo?

Here I thought it was a horror movie about the delicious candy bar.


Main Entry: twixt
Pronunciation: \?twikst\
Variant(s): or 'twixt
Function: preposition
Etymology: Middle English twix, short for betwix, betwixt
Date: 14th century
: between <twixt the two extremes>


caramel and cookie between 2 layers of extremely delicious chocolate


I prefer the candy bar, too.
Do you know the OCD method of eating a Twix?


I knew this movie was doomed when Coppola changed the title from "'Twixt Now and Sunrise" or whatever it was to the candy bar.

And yeah, I'd take a Twix any day of the week over 'Twixt'.

Please nest your IMDB page, and respond to the correct person -
