Has ANYONE seen this movie??

I have NEVER heard of H.P. and the Forbidden Journey, until just now. If anyone has seen it or even heard of it in any way?? If so please let me know! Thanks SO much!!

"Scot's inventors of the modern world, YOU'RE WELCOME!!!!~ Ewan McGregor


It's a documentary, not a movie.

Your mind will set you free- 03/25/11


It's the name of the ride at Universal Studio's Islands of Adventure, part of the Wizarding World of Harry Potter. The various characters from the Harry Potter films appear during the ride. Here's a link of the full ride: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iT7CPDrK8ro




its a ride u idiot

Chaw: Chucky and Saw COMBINED

Now that's pretty neat-o


It's a ride at the Wizarding World of HP. I went on it for the first time yesterday. I did not expect it to be so scary. It was very in your face, a 3D ride. I had to close my eyes because of how intense the feeling was. I screamed when Hermione first has us go through that smoke in the beginning. After a while, I opened my eyes, & the graphics were neat. The dementors really get in your face. Eek!
