Wasn't Movie 43 Bad Enough

Jesus another crappy R-rated Comedy that consists of an unfunny compilation of sketches. 2013 is going to be known as the year comedy died!


As bad as Movie 43 looked, this looks even worse. Dear God!

Who says violence is not the answer?


So, Friedberg and Seltzer could come out as say "Do you miss us now?"


No, they'd be like "...And those dumbasses thought we were bad!".


Friedberg and Seltzer's movies are still some of the worst movies of all time. Movie 43 and InAPPropriate Comedy can't be as bad as theirs.

I like expensive pasta, real expensive pasta...


The Friedberg/Seltzer parodies are lowest common denominator stuff. At least these movies boast an "original" premise of sorts. The only reason Movie 43 and inAPP (et al) are universally despised is because they're crass, ribald and extremely offensive (and proud of it).


Here are the Differences:
Friedberg and Seltzer films are PG-13 and try to cram as much pop culture references as possible
Movie 43/ InAPPropriate Comedy are R Rated and try to cram as much vulgar/racist humor as possible

Please listen to Spill dot com's review of Movie 43 (The Korey & CoHost review) and you will find out the difference.
