Please post how crowded was your theater, what trailers were shown, the audience reactions, etc...


I was the only one in the theater on the first showing, on the first day. But I prefer it that way.

Can't remember the trailers, although they seemed to be the artsy and independent types.

I liked it.


The reviewer from the Hollywood Reporter (I think it was that one) said that there were ten people in his theater on Friday morning in New York City.


There were no crowds. It didn't even crack the top 15 in box office on Friday. It won't make more than $400,000 (if they are lucky) on its first weekend.


Sorry, don't remember the trailers, but I was One of Two in the theater yesterday...though it was an 11 AM showing, so that brings numbers a little lower, as well.


C'mon people, why would you waste your money or time? This looked 100% terrible


Eh, it's stupid comedy. Sometimes that can be damn funny; other times, not so much. This would fit the latter.


Why the hell do you care? Whether it's a waste of money or not is simply your opinion, and while it's not a film i'd pay full price to see, it looks like it would make a decent DVD rental.

It certainly can't be any worse then those goddamn Twilight films at any rate.


I would rather watch all of the Twilight films then any of this film.
And I *beep* hate Twilight, not only are they terrible films, the fans are a bunch of nuts.


At least this film dosen't set women's rights bakc 50 years like Twilight does.

reply certainly doesn't help paint a good image of how racial sensitive or funny Americans are.


I Dont care. But this IS a message board. I guess what i'm trying to say is this just screamed horrible. And i love slackstick comedy. I'm a big fan of Airplane and even the first Scary Movie. But these movies ALWAYS put the "Funniest" parts from the movie, in the trailer. And the trailer was HORRIBLE.
