Made me cry

It's been a while since a movie has made me cry,but boy was tears streaming after at the end...and I'm a guy lol


You weren't the only one. Rarely do I stumble across a film that's soul-stirring ??


I was the same and I'm not even sure why I was crying. I think it was the fact that the movie was about not forgetting...that you can still imagine and live a happy life even when we are put through the mundane ringer of the real adult world. Just that simple idea of reminding us that just because we grow up doesn't mean our inner child dies...that hits home


It was a beautiful movie. Brought a tear to my eye, too.

You are sin.


I cried multiple times and I don't try watching films at all so this film is something very special. There are so many reminders on what is more important to life as we live it today.


Me too! For quite a while...


Blubbered like a baby! So well done. So thoughtful. It touched my soul on such a deep level.
