The Airforce Wife

I couldn't even finish the movie because of her. How pretentious can one get? The first comment I recall her making was something like "my husband is a pilot in the airforce, so we don't have much money..." No, you have 4 kids and chose to move them to Hollywood, spending god knows how much money a month to try to get them in the business. That's why you don't have much money.

Officers in the US armed forces make a pretty decent living. But when you are wasting that much money a month chasing a pipe dream (I believe someone in the movie stated around 5k a month, for one kid) for four kids, yeah you won't have that much money. Her husband would be living in BOQ on base, so the airforce wouldn't be paying for his family's rent. Its obvious that she doesn't have a job, so he's the sole breadwinner of that family.

And her claim that her kids were given their "talent" so she could move out there and force her beliefs on others....ugh.


well it tells you a lot about her and her husband when she said that. If your husband prefers WAR over You, well, there you have it. Did you see the end of the movie, they have a 'where are they now' and the lady managed to win 15k on a kids gameshow on HUB. I bet she blows that fast.


I try not to judge people insofar as that's possible. It's not my job to, nor inclination, hardly knowing them or how their life has unfolded. Um, lest I be judged.

But something related practically tore me out of the movie. She said her husband was a Predator [next day fixit: Raptor??] pilot. Wellll, what a coincidence: last Sunday 60 Mins did a major expose about flawed oxygen breathing supply that a huge percentage of the flyers, and most all their doctors, are worried sick over. Root cause, after years of research: nobody knows!

Maan, talk about a family on a string a of bad luck.

# Everything happens for a [Godly] reason?? Sorrrry, nope, I don't think so.


Doing some quick googling, I couldn't find anything about oxygen supplies. I didn't expect to though, Predator pilots don't actually go up with their planes. The Predator is an unmanned aerial vehicle.


Now I can't decide if I woke up thinking the wrong name, or else the mother actually said Predator.

Worse yet, Showtime's OnDemand viewing period for HollywoodComplex expired overnight.. so I can't go back and confirm which.

Google "60 minutes" along with "pilots", and you'll see what I was talkin' 'bout.

My bad.


Click on the Don't miss section and The Hollywood complex link. I think it will be accessible outside Australia since our laws are not as strict as the US when it comes to tv rights. I could be wrong though.


Thanks, nice try knifeparty2004. Alas the IP media ghoul's reach is everywhere, and tightening. Alwaaays tiiighening.

Anyways, here's the no-go message given to sunny northern california:


Due to copyright reasons this video program is available for download by people located in Australia only. If you are not located in Australia, you are not authorised to view this video.

If you ARE located in Australia and feel an error has been made we would appreciate your help with improving this service.." (etc etc)


I'm watching it right now and the father is clearly a predator "pilot" which means he is in the control room in an air force base, somewhere like Nevada. This job does not require him to have a pilot's license of any kind, just to clarify.

I noticed a recurrent theme with all theses families: low education status and low-economic status. Hence the willingness to risk everything for this dream. It's so disturbing to watch how seriously these families are taking their "craft"! I didn't see any child in this movie who has been active in stage groups or theater clubs, the best "real" training for acting. The saddest part of all is that if someone asked me to imagine what a desperate wanna-be mother of a child star would look like, all the moms in this film are exactly as I would imagine.


I don't think some of the other families were low socioeconomically - didn't the Huans say they spent over $100,000 in a year or two? That means the husband must have been earning a high salary back home to support him and their other daughter there, and those guys in Hollywood.


Yet during one of those info sessions a supposed expert told the kids to not waste their time doing gigs that don't pay and don't get you a screen credit.


I remember a guy telling them not to do student films. Most of this kids needed all the practice they could get!

"Joey, have you ever been in a Turkish prison?"


Right: that's one flaw of the film, that it doesn't really contain too many surprises. The whole thing could have been a tightly edited twenty minutes and conveyed everything it needed to.

See a list of my favourite films here:


I watched it last night and the kid said "Predator" when he was saying the blessing. And no, those who fly the "Predator" are not in-cockpit pilots.

Yes, the F-22 Raptor is the plane with all the oxygen issues. Capt. Jeff Haney here at Elmendorf AFB, Alaska was killed as a result of those issues.


Yeah, that mom did say something along the lines of "with all the auditions and acting classes, school doesn't really fit in" which was why they were home schooled. I know public schools have a ton of their own problems but she doesn't seem like a trained teacher who can give 4 kids an adequate education.


The focal point of one of the science lessons was "God always keeps his promises".

It looked like all the kids were left to own devices to read a book and teach themselves.


That woman sickened me. What a Loony Tune. For her to say, "School just doesn't fit in with having to get kids to auditions and filmings"--wow. Just wow. My heart broke for her oldest son, Patrick, who (if my gaydar is correct) is gay. Poor kid. The only thing worse than being born to a mother like that is being born GAY to a mother like that. I hope he eventually ran fast and far.
