You know you've seen it too many times when...

... you recognize bit-part performers from both the 25th and 10th anniversary concert.

I've been watching the 25th anniversary concert quite a bit, and I've seen the 10th anniversary concert, but not as many times (because I don't like it nearly as much). More on that in the "Direct Comparison" thread, when I get to it.

I recognized a performer from the 25th (the Crone who buys Fantine's hair, 23:14 to 23:47) as one of the lovely ladies in the 10th. In the 2nd close-up (with four of them, 22:33 to 22:40), she's the 2nd (ahem) "lovely lady" from the right. The hair-buying Crone from the 10th starts in right after. Her name is Valda Aviks.

Anyone beat that?

Want to know if you're male or female? Look down.

Not here, silly.


the actor who was in birds of a feather who played theodopolodopodis was in both the 10th and the 25th. The actress who played eponine in the barbican 25th an shows was a beggar, the guy who played the factory owner was also in the barbican performance :)


You know you've seen it too many times when your preschool children sing along with the line "And you're lucky to be in a job and in a bed Oi!" (They think the Oi is part of the libretto.)


I have the same problem!!!
