Who do you want in a film adaption?

Obviously, I want the actors to be able to sing, but I like the idea of including movie stars instead of stage stars.

I was thinking about Kate Winslet for Fantine...maybe...



I loved Ewan McGregor singing in Moulin Rouge. I could even see him as JVJ.

Amy Adams... if she did her own singing in Enchanted. Too bad she's old for Cosette or Eponine -- roles I think she'd rock. She could be Fantine, or Mme. Thenardier



I don't know much about stars' singing ability but I can picture Hugh Jackman as either Valjean or Javert.

How about getting Alun Armstrong to reprise his Thenardier for the big screen. He defines that role for me.







Well, I've never seen/heard Sweeney . . . and I LOVE the idea of Rickman as Javert. Gives me the shivers just thinking about it!



I've heard of it, I've just never seen it or heard the music from it.



If they do cast Nick Jonas in the movie (I highly doubt they will), I believe his performance would be better. In the studio, they can tweak his vocals as much as they want, take as many takes as they want, and Nick won't actually be singing the songs on camera. He will only be lip-syncing. He won't look so pained all the time. He isn't Lea Michele.






I'd love to attend a live performance with Boe!



I don't know if Zac Efron could do it, but he's a good actor, he's the right age, he's done musicals before and has a good voice. If he can also, y'know, sing the part, I'd say he'd be a great choice. If I were a producer, I'd want someone to draw in the fangirls. That's obviously what they aimed for with Nick Jonas, only he was too young, did not have the voice for it and couldn't act the part.

Of course, if it took another few years to get the film made maybe Jonas would be great.


Jean Valjean - Hugh Jackman, Sean Penn (if he can sing), Alfie Boe
Javert - Robert Downey Jr., Alan Rickman, Colin Firth
Fantine - Marion Cotillard, Kate Winslet
Cosette - Amanda Seyfried
Marius - Dominic Cooper (very Mamma Mia, I know )
Eponine - Samantha Barks, Carey Mulligan, Jessica Brown-Findlay
Monsieur Thénardier - Timothy Spall, Alun Armstrong (the definite Thénardier, though he might be too old)
Madame Thénardier - Meryl Streep, Helena Bonham Carter

As the saying goes... the time to make up your mind about people is never


It seems like I am in the minority, but I was impressed with Nick Jonas. In my oppinion he sang good. I thought that he did very well considering he has not been training in theater since he was a child. I would still see the movie if Nick Jonas was in it. If he is in it, I hope they keep Samanth Barks, and Katie Hall they all went well together. I definately want Alfie Boe to be in it, he was amazing.


I'd like to see unknowns.


He has not had professional singing training, or if he has, he should ask for his money back. Just because someone can sing pop, does not assume they can do theatre. Unless you saw him live, you cannot really state what his singing is like. I did, he was awful, ruined the whole dynamic of the cast. An amateur has no place in a professional field


I only saw him on the DVD so your right I have not seen him live, and it would sound different. The ones that stood out for me on the DVD were Ramin Karimloo, Hadley Fraser, Robert Madge, and Samantha Barks. Another singer was the guy who played ValJean. They were really good and I liked the lady who played Fantine. Katie Hall was good to. When I re-watched the DVD I did see that Nick got out sung by the other performers. You could tell he had a hard time with keeping up with the other performers and by trying to sing as loud. Was it awesome being there in person? I am glad you went. I would love to see the play. I never saw the play. I just saw this on PBS and I used to sing the LesMiserables songs in Chorus. I have always been a fan.


It was a good day, it had many problems due to bad management so we missed the first 10/15 minutes and the screens kept breaking down so all we saw were little ants on the stage. Seeing the three JVJ sing was heaven though. The musical is the best, seen it 7 times now, if you get a chance you have to experience it, its so much more than the concert, does make you ball your eyes out though lol.
Alfie Boe (who played JVJ at the concert,) his voice live is just out of this world, possibly the best voice I have ever heard actually.


Sam Claflin from Pirates of the Caribbean 4 played Enjolras in an amateur production. I think he could make a really good Marius.

