I'm embarrassed to ask, but...

...would someone tell me how to pronounce "Enjolras" correctly? Despite having seen Les Miz 3 times on stage, watching the 10th anniversary tape many times, etc., I've never known how to say that character's name? Thanks for not dissing my ignorance...


Enjolras = Ahn·jol·rahs

The anonymity of the internet has only made us meaner and dumber.


With the accent on the second syllable. And don't be too embarrased since his name isn't even spoken in the play (3 hours long, you think they could've squeezed it in somewhere).


Oops! Aida, the final "s" should NOT be pronounced.


It is said once in the 25th concert, I want to say its at the beginning of the scene where Gavroche comes in to announce that Lemarque is dead, before that when the students first come in at the beginning of the scene someone shouts his name (I think it was that scene, though I might be mistaken)


"She walks, you leave together, pockets full debts paid. She sings-you leave alone." ~Love Never Dies


Thanks,y'all! I appreciate your understanding and your information!


ON-jol-rah, with the emphasis on the first syllable.
On the International Cast Recording, it is said once in the intro of the song leading up to Red and Black, ie. immediately prior to the line "At Notre Dame the sections are prepared! At rue de Bac they're straining at the leash!"


Sorry, i have to respectfully disagree with you. Almost every time i've heard it pronounced, the accent was on the second syllable (although they DID accent the first syllable in the recording you speak of). But if you want, we can go outside and talk it over :)


Things are getting heated on the Les Miz imdb discussion board, bitches.


Yes, the first syllable is a nasal, I believe? And probably use the french J sound, too (As in "Je").


Or as in Jean Valjean.

If you love Jesus Christ 100% (and He is #1 in your life) copy this and use it for your signature.


I actually never knew either, and I love this show. I didn't know if the "J" was silent or pronounced with a "j" sound.

It sounds like it's pronounced "AHN-zhol-rah" as indicated by a below poster's link to a pronunciation site.



BuzzSF: Thank you so much for turning me on to such a cool site! I read a lot and it's not unusual for me to come across words I can define, spell and use in a sentence, but don't know how to pronounce. Wicked cool, especially the multiple languages and real human voices. Thanks again!



my friends and I just call him "EJ" lol. I tend to mispronounce it...I tend to say, "en-dJRO-la". the above pronounciations sound correct, from someone who took French in highschool and lived in France.

"Genius is another word for magic, and the whole point of magic is that it is inexplicable."
