Andy Serkis makes this game.

The voice acting is superb. It seems he directed the voice work - from what the credits read. I really liked this game. The art direction, the story, the characters. The gameplay was a bit wonky. And the difficulty curve was very steep. But I thoroughly enjoyed the experience.


Well said. All in all a good game. My biggest gripe was the level design. Everything looked almost the same from one level to the next. Kill Zone 2 also suffered from this.


And the difficulty curve was very steep

Really? I thought it was fun but basic. See a mech, hit it. See a mech sheilded, hold down to charge, then hit it. See a mech in the distance, shoot it. See something shining on the wall, climb it. repeat. lol

But I agree the voice acting was great here. the interplay between Trip and Monkey was fun to listen to while traveling.


It wasn't just the voice acting; Andy Serkis's physicality was fantastic. Every time I see Monkey running, climbing, or even making a face, it gives me the same good feeling I get from watching Dearth Vader crossing a room or seeing Indiana Jones in a fistfight.

R.I.P. Pete Postlethwaite.

Toonami music:


i love it how he comments in chapter 5, the cloud will fix it. whats that? a cloud. how does it work. i dont know it just works... some places it does and some places it doessnt


Did you play it on the hardest level possible? It seemed that they once the tutorials were done, they gave you a few levels of this-isn't-too-bad then it want to damn, dead again!. Plus it made riding the cloud, climbing and anything timing-oriented much harder.
