A movie with a message, but...

I really enjoyed the movie. It was nice to see a family that, through certain events and such, were able to be open, and ultimately happy, with a subject that pertains to everyone. Whether they want to talk about/admit it or not. Haha

However, one thing that bothered me was the fact that once Pierre came to the realization he was bisexual, it was left at that.

For a film so open and honest about sex and how it's "human nature", it kinda bothered me how the film was almost afraid to show direct interaction between two males.

It spent all of this time saying how sex was okay and natural and such, but when it finally came to something some wouldn't consider "the norm", it left it alone.

End rant haha


Hehe, yeah. Maybe in another 20 years such a movie will be made.

First the mother wanted to hear about it all, but when it came to her son's sexuality she was just content to say "I accept it all." She wasn't curious if Pierre was a top or bottom? Maybe the mom learned her lesson. She thought she wanted a much more open sexual dialog with her family but realized all that she really wanted to know was in her preexisting comfort zone.


Seriously, though, do you really think she wanted to know things like whether he "was a top or bottom"? I think the important thing was whether or not he was capable of finding sexual satisfaction. She was curious, yes, but as long as they were happy, I think she was content to learn only as much as the other person felt comfortable relating.


I was being a little facetious about the "top or bottom" comment. I guess my point is that I don't think Mom thought this one through. What did she really want to know?
