Soft Porn

This movie is soft porn masquerading as artistic cinema. Don't get me wrong. I look at porn everyday, so I should know.


I don't find it to be that artistic a cinema. But there are some wonderful soft porn moments in there and the premise of open sexual discourse among a family is very interesting from an American perspective.

Botany Bay? Bought on Ebay?!! Oh NO!!!


I agree.

I mean, who doesn't watch porn, right?

To me, the uncut version which is the actual soft porn, it's pretty uninteresting. I mean, I get that they had to have sex but the scenes were beyond short. It almost didn't make sense that the actors had to have real sex. I get it that in porn they have actual sex because the scenes are long, anywhere from 5-20 minutes. In porn, what's interesting, is the different positions and stuff. But in these movies, the sex scenes are few and far in between and once you actually get one, they're like seconds long. Yet they find it necessary to have real intercourse. They could had just acted it out, specially since the actual penetration scenes are less than 3 seconds each. Maybe the actors wanted to have real intercourse?

Either way, the film was somewhat interesting. not a film that I would watch again, though.
