Ada took Leon's advice

In Resident Evil 4 when they have a quick scuffle she gets her gun but he already has his knife to her throat and says "a bit of advice try using knives next time works better for close encounters" In her fight with Svetlana she did just that.

"First day on the job great huh? name's Leon Kennedy nice to meet ya"


Lol, very true.

She even seemed to have improved her proficiency/skill with knives as shown in the same fight scene.


Your right, which is why Ada has always been one of my favorite characters, I always enjoy her, I remember being upset when I thought she was dead in Resident Evil 2 needless to say I was happy when she turned up in Resident Evil 4.

"First day on the job great huh? name's Leon Kennedy nice to meet ya"


Even during RE2, it was already hinted that she survived.
When you fight Tyrant in Leon B, a shadowy figure (but clearly looking like Ada's figure) says: "here use this" and throws down a rocket launcher.

Even if you couldn't see the person properly, it was clearly Ada's voice.


You know what your right, I completely forgot about that and i've played that game millions of times.

"First day on the job great huh? name's Leon Kennedy nice to meet ya"
