MovieChat Forums > Resident Evil: Damnation (2012) Discussion > Better than Paul W.S. Anderson RE series

Better than Paul W.S. Anderson RE series

I have watched the Resident Evil: Degeneration before a and now this one and I have to say that these both movies are way better than Milla Jovovich starer & Paul W. S. Anderson directed movies. Love the animation and storyline and specifically the climax's action scenes of RE: Damnation.


I agree with you, as a Resident Evil fan since the series first came around I went to see the live action ones and was left disappointed. Apocalypse comes out and one of my favorite RE characters Jill Valentine is in it which got me excited again but disappointment came back when she was overshadowed by Alice than the same thing happened with Chris and Claire in the follow ups so i'm not expecting Leon and Ada to be heavily involved in action in the latest one. I could be wrong of course. But I think Alice's story was done 2 movies ago and it drives me crazy everytime she says "my name is Alice" we know your name by now.

"First day on the job great huh? name's Leon Kennedy nice to meet ya"


Definatly, they have the music, tone, mood, angles, story..
Paul's versions are just using the name to sell, they have nothing to do with Resident Evil..
The CGI movies are definatly channeling Resident Evil..

Personally, I've played 1, 2 and 3.. watched through the entire 4th.. (2 is hands down favourite)
The things I don't like with these movies, and especially with Pauls RE, is when people start flying around like they're in The Matrix.. the CGI movies have that toned down though..
Not a huge fan of the Plaga either.. but I guess it's progression..


Definatly, they have the music, tone, mood, angles, story..
Paul's versions are just using the name to sell, they have nothing to do with Resident Evil..
The CGI movies are definatly channeling Resident Evil..

I agree. The CGI movies are more true to the series.



PWSA, MCG and UWE. The crap of the crop regarding directors.

Nichole was here.


Honestly, I always left the RE Paul Anderson series angry. The first one,
(This will continue spoilers, so, if you havent seen those RE movies by now, stop reading if you dont wanna know what happens)
it was okay, but one thing the pissed me off....half the damn team dies by....LASERS!? OK, I know lasers come in later of the series, I would have been okay if 1-2 people die, but all those characters die by lasers!? I mean I really liked the one black character, he was awesome, and he gets destroyed by lasers!?So much potential killing off more people by zombie...but no.

The 2nd...Jill, my favorite character looks like she cant do $hit. Alice over-rides her everytime.Throws the matches, no, they go out, ALICE saves the day. Come on.

3rd, by this time, it is the Alice show. These movies shouldnt be called Resident Evil, should be called "Alice and friends."

RE4 or Alice and Friends 4, by this time, same old same old.

In the end, it isnt a horrible series, Pauls series, the sad things, it is probably better than most game movies...damn that is sad.

These are better though.
