
Hadley never should have allowed Al to flirt with her. She should have stopped him right away or just walked away. She also allowed him to influence her feelings about her husband to the point where she let him kiss her and even returned the kiss momentarily. I may be wrong but it seemed to me that she was a bit smitten by him. After the kiss, she says, "I can't do this" which suggests that she had more than innocent friendly thoughts about him. Later, when confronted by her husband about the kiss, she defensively says that he kissed her. Her husband then says "you didn't pull away". Again defensively she says, "neither did you" referring to the affair he had while they were previously separated. Then she says, "it wasn't anything". Well first of all it was something because she didn't immediately pull away and she returned the kiss; seeming to enjoy it for a moment. After the two talk for a bit, she finally says, "there was a moment.....there was a moment in that kiss and then it went away".

Seems to me that for a husband and wife who were trying to repair their relationship, she made all the wrong decisions about how to conduct herself.
