MovieChat Forums > Come Fly with Me (2010) Discussion > The dead horse has been flogged.

The dead horse has been flogged.

I was a huge fan of Little Britain, but this show has not made me laugh. It all seems a little contrived and desperate. The subject matter is so out of date, the popularity of the airline/airport fly on the wall shows ended a long time ago. Its just not funny to parody something that is no longer popular and that finished because interest dwindled.

I will try watching the following shows in-case things change. But I am not hopeful...


Have to disagree. I found this funnier than ANY of the Little Britain episodes (though I never found more than a few characters funny on that show). Though on Come fly with me, so many scenes such as the two Japanese schoolgirl's song about Martin Clunes, the security guard who didn't even work there, and everything said between Hetty Wolf and Moses Beacon was absolutely hilarious!

For me personally, this and the Royle family are probably the only two decent TV specials on over Christmas.


When you look at a glass it's probably half empty, ain't it?

Didn't love it as much as Little Britain, but that was so ridiculously funny...
The format does take some getting used to; it's more of a whole instead of the loose sketches we've come to love in Walliams and Lucas their earlier work.

But don't expect Little Britain in an airport and you'll smile, perhaps laugh, and most definitely will enjoy Come fly with me!

PS there will be at least 5 more episodes!!


This show is the perfect example of how bad British television has gotten. Look at "Miranda"! Good god, it's beyond horrible, and they're lauding it as one of the best comedies in history, and the star being of iconic proportion. Britain has truly been dumbed down into the ground.

"Come Fly With Me" is a total rip-off of "Summer Heights High". "Little Britain" was a complete rip-off of "The League of Gentlemen". Both Walliams and Lucas' time has come and gone. There's nothing left for them to steal. They totally failed in America, and now have had to come crawling back to the BBC. I hope they saved their money, because the job opportunities are drying up.


While I agree that "CFWM" was 'meh' and dated, I don't really understand how it is a copy of "Summer Heights High", in particular... Chris Lilly's creations are gold, but I never for once though of it being a rip-off, inspired by maybe. Mocumentaries have been produced for quite some time; e.g. "This is Spinal Tap", and "Waiting for Guffman" (Big inspiration behind Mr. G??). I also disagree with your example of "Miranda" dumbing down the nation. Although I'm not a massive fan, it's a 21st century take on the slapstick sitcom that preceeded it decades ago, so at worst the tv audience is going full-circle.


If you watched both "Summer Heights High", and "We Can Be Heroes", you will understand how much of a ripoff "Come Fly With Me" is to those series, not to mention that they premiered in just the last couple of years. The character of Mr. G, was actually a take on a real person from a real documentary. So much so, that a lawsuit was filed against Chris Lilley.

"Come Fly With Me" is typical Walliams and Lucas, ripping off yet another series.

Jennifer Saunders was still doing slapstick comedy in the 2000s, so Miranda isn't an updated take on anything of the sort. It's a horrible program, and the perfect example of how hideous the BBC has become.



You write for the Daily Mail don't you?

"People always sing 'Part of Your World' at auditions... that's why I only know one lyric."


I didn't think the show was all that either! It was ok but I was expecting it to be very good. It was nowhere near the standard of Little Britan!

"Who Am I? I'm KICK ASS!"

You're always in my heart MJ


I think it is too similar to Airport. Especially Moses, a direct rip-off of Kelvin from Canadian Airlines.

I'm not sure about the non-white characters (Precious, Taaj etc...) . It seems a bit too close to black-face to me.

This boy could use some STOLI!


Oh dear, this show was so bad I feel sorry for the person who commissioned this.

"There is nothing better in life than writing on the sole of your slipper with a biro" HMHB

