
All the jokes in episode 2 were the same as the ones in episode 1… I got confused at several points thinking they must have edited in clips from episode 1… this is a new low for the BBC.

If your life had a face I would punch it!


a couple were but the rest weren't.
MYSTERION the true hero of South Park


Wow doesn't say enough. Does anyone remember the excruciating Dick Emery Show on the TV from way back? Well this badly executed abomination is much,much worse. I have tried it twice (mainly because I could not believe how bad it was the first time) and it has been found wanting each time. it needs a decent and funny script, rather than something written by intellectually challenged sixth form schoolchildren. The performances by the so-called stars are phoned in on a very dodgy line and the only praise it may get is for some of the make up that they employ.
To be honest I never liked Little Britain either-it was lazy and crude. I don't mind crude at all but it has to be funny. That is where Walliams and Lucas fall down. They just are not funny-they are much too aware of what they are doing to be real comedians. The best comedians have something undefinable about them. Now I actually quite like David and Matt when I see them on talk shows as themselves, they can be engaging and amusing. As comic characters they always make me feel uncomfortable.


It's interesting, they both appeared in The One Ronnie over Christmas and I thought these guys aren't completely unfunny after all, then later that evening I saw the first episode of this and quickly my new found opinion was quickly lowered.

If your life had a face I would punch it!
