MovieChat Forums > Come Fly with Me (2010) Discussion > I don't know if it's racist or not...

I don't know if it's racist or not...

...but it certainly isn't funny!

Now put that gun down Heidi! You’re not solving anything by massacring people!


That's Your Opinion, I Personally Enjoyed It Loads And Like Many Others Will Be Watching The Rest Of The Series.



Are you the King of Capitalisation?

Now put that gun down Heidi! You’re not solving anything by massacring people!


it isnt racist, same thing everytime you see a white man dress up like a black man and its racist, id love to know how exactly, if you do an indian accent your being racist but if you do a scottish one its just a harmless impression.

theres only one race, the human race. people need to get over these ridiculous hangups over the colour of peoples skin both those who hate people who are different and those who use the word racism on any joke or comedy that involves someone portraying someone form another ethnicity or religion

as for it not being funny i 100% agree, i thought this would be more like a mokumentary similar to the office with subtle jokes but again like little britain its in your face, repetetive and dull.


Learn the history of black face, my dear. It's not the same thing. People come in different races. Deal with it.


it doesnt matter about the whole black face thing, if someone whos white needs to portray a black person they are going to need to colour there face.

and there arnt other races, there are different ethnic groups.

the fact that people consider a white person painting there face brown to look like a black guy racist is laughable

people always go on about sterotypes being bad and untrue but how do they think these stereotypes came about in the first place there obviously based in some truth and thats why there funny, most people arnt stupid enough to think if someone does an inpression of a particular sterotype that all people of that type are like that. thats only for stupid people

this whole racist crap has gotten so out of control that people dont know what is ok and what isnt and so tar anything and everything with the racism brush. im sick of it.

id love to know how some people think that CFWM and little britain are racist


No, not all stereotypes are based on truth. Some were invented to simply degrade and dehumanize people.

Black face is black face. Don't try to manipulate it into something it isn't.

There ARE different races. The whole "there's only one race: the human race", is a kumbaya response, and a cop-out to deflect from the fact that something is indeed racist.

Only white people complain about things being "PC", and "not racist". You have no idea.


no its people like you who make totally innocent things appear racist.

if someone goes to a fancy dress party as my t are they not allowed to paint there face black, its ridiculous

if you think cfwm is racist why dont you list some examples


"Learn the history of black face, my dear. It's not the same thing. People come in different races. Deal with it."

Blackface is controversial because it mocked the people it was portraying and perpetuated negative stereotypes of a group of people. The issue with blackface has always been the content and the context of the minstrel shows in which it was used. Learn to engage your other senses (particularly your common sense, it's a wonderful tool) not just the visual; it might stop those nasty fits of: "ARGH! Someone in makeup representing someone with a different skin colour!!! RACIST! RACIST! RAAAAAAAAACIST!".

And there is just one race: human being.

"People always sing 'Part of Your World' at auditions... that's why I only know one lyric."


100% agree with the its NOT racist! They are two white actors who are trying to portray a variety of people, and if blacks weren't included people would bang on about their lack of inclusion. I am Pakistani myself, and I don't take offence to their interpretation of the Pakistani Taj. If you are watching a comedy to take offence, you really shouldnt be watching comedy!


Do Walliams and Lucas get away with it solely because they're gay? My contention is reaction would be different otherwise. Either way this show is just not funny.


Only Matt Lucas is gay, not David Williams. And they're not "getting away" with anything.


Hmm whatever!



exactly its called free speech, as long as there not being nasty to any one or any type of people theres no harm.

plus there characters have a basis in real life charactersthat we have all seen in airport and airplane.

one thing ive had heard CMWM accused of atkeats twice the argument that cfwm is saying that all black christian woman are lazy (because of the preciois character)just like the stupid argument on eastenders at the minute that eastenders is suggeting that all mothers who have lost a child to cot death will go out and steal someone elses baby, how are these one characters suggesting that all those people are the same.

get over it


I'm surprised that noone has actually picked up on the fact that this pokes fun at 'racist' people anyway.

Take the immigration officer for example, he states in the first episode "if that makes me racist then I guess I am" after making a racist remark - they are poking fun at people who are racist and say things like that (que Nick Griffin).

Infact, it would be funny to see them play an all-white character list, because then I guarantee you you'd have the same complaints but this time due to lack of 'diversity'. All people do these days is complain, really shows the direction this country is going, depressing really.


Pretty much what the person said above me.

Okay, so it is racist. Next season, they play only white characters.

"But surely there must be some other ethnic groups passing through this airport?"

Nope, sorry.

That really wouldn't work, now would it ?

Making a new signature so that "PersonalCheeses" is happy. xoxo
