MovieChat Forums > Come Fly with Me (2010) Discussion > Hasn't the moc-documentry format been do...

Hasn't the moc-documentry format been done to death now?

Surely by 2010 everything that can be done with the spoof documentry has been done? The last ten years has given us some excellent mocumentries/spoofs. So why have these two lazy and talentless morons decided to piss over that bonfire with this one-dimentional send up?

I hate them them two guys.



We can also add 'Human Remains', 'Summer Heights High' and 'People Like Us' to that list. I'm sure there are others we forgot. Then there are the Christopher Guest films...


And Yet the Beeb insist on repating it every chance the get! the mind boggles.


Never heard of or seen any of those, sorry.


I'd highly recommend them. Human Remains was a series of 6 self-contained spoof documentries starring Rob Brydon and Julia Davis (Nighty Night). For me that's the one to see!

