The ending.

The whole thing really, is designed to make you think about it, but I do feel like it's a little overly deliberate of a sell. I feel like we're seeing more of these existentialist "choose your own ending" types. It's getting a little tired.

I don't think people who travel from the future need worms or to develop "trust", so I'm gonna say that the entire thing was a scam. It would be pretty easy to explain the handshake if they got a hold of her first, or saw her doing that stuff.

Of course, all that and the whole discussion of time from a physics perspective. The question on if time is even real is a valid one scientifically. At this point I've given the entire idea of "time travel" way too much credit. But I've always thought time travel must imply that free will is not something that will change. That the universe is predictable in some way or another. - and if that's the case who gives a *beep* anyway?

The part I thought was ironic was the discussion about becoming a "psychology" expert when the main character was clearly broken down. I couldn't help but think if the DOJ woman and the time traveler (I'm terrible with names) swapped places it would have been easier to not believe.

I thought it was fair. The rating of 6.7 for IMDB seems right.


existentialism is much better than this crap.


A very interesting film. It presented a question then gave you two possible answers.

Schrodinger's cat walks into a bar, and / or doesn't.


There is a difference in an 'open ending' and not having an ending. This one doesn't have one.

tHe MuRdER CaPiTaL oF thE woRLd 

'walk into this world with you head up high'
