MovieChat Forums > Red Lights (2012) Discussion > Sigourney Weaver's son....

Sigourney Weaver's son....

We see an ADULT man on the bed, in a coma. This is is Sigourney Weaver's character's son?!
Didn't she say he went into that coma state at age 4? So he's been on life support all that time!
That's happened, but its rather rare. Most people die long before that.

Why was he even shown again? What did he have to do with anything?

"I'd say this cloud is Cumulo Nimbus."
"Didn't he discover America?"
"Penfold, shush."



"I'd say this cloud is Cumulo Nimbus."
"Didn't he discover America?"
"Penfold, shush."


The son exists solely so Weaver can recount the time DeNiro faked her out on a TV talk show by lying about being able to "see" a young blond boy beside her asking her to let him go (approx. 47 min. into the film). She hates herself for allowing him to make her doubt her own rational beliefs, even for a second.

The fact that the grown son looks entirely healthy for having been in a coma for a couple of decades or more is a question the film can't answer and hopes we won't ask. :)


Out of all the nonsense in that film *this* is what you pick up on???


Here's my take: Weaver was a skeptic. She didn't believe in an afterlife. Therefore she didn't want her son to leave this world to go into nothingness. She spent her whole life looking for evidence of something beyond the physical world. Once Tom was able to confirm and provide himself as such evidence, he let the son go, knowing that there was something beyond waiting for him. i.e. an afterlife.


And since when is it a co-worker's decision to pull the plug on someone's son? That was a stupid scene with no other family member present.


THANK YOU. That scene bugged me for exactly the same reason. He gets to decide when to pull the plug, AND do it himself? No representative of the hospital is there to make sure it happens appropriately? no doctor or nurse there to oversee what happens when they shut off his breathing machine? What hospital is this, that cares so little for human life??


pretty sure tom wasnt physically at the hospital pulling 'the' plug...rather he just snuffed that fool out




I agree. Tom just straight murders that kid in the coma.

Pretty sure a doctor would do that for legal reasons.


I believe Sigourney's character states that her son 'falls over' at age 4. It could have taken him some time to actually lapse into the coma. He could have been in an out of catatonic states for some time (or somesuch) and then finally succumbed fully to the comatose state.

It would explain why she wouldn't let him go. If he had been going in and out, as it were, she might hold out hope that he would come out of it again.

As for why he was shown, he was there to show both why she seems to keep searching for proof that there is 'life after death' (so she can know it's all right to let him go, if he can move on to something better).

We're not playing Yellow Car.--Martin
You're always playing Yellow Car.--Arthur


Yeah but why is the self hating magic psychic not telling her he's magic? They could have killed Weaver's son together. Instead he just walks into the hospital explaining to the doctors that he's magic and kills a boy. WTF? Was there a moment where the magic psychic is told in Weavers will that he's allowed to euthenize her son if he takes down Silver and finds out he's magic?

This movie is as dumb as a box of rocks.

My latest short film:


A cousin of mine drowned as a toddler and was in a permanent vegetative state (thought not on life support, he could breathe on his own) until he died as an adult.
