Similar movies

Really loved the atmosphere of this one. Can you recommend me something with a similar vibe?


all wes anderson movies


Camp Nowhere (1994). Christopher Lloyd and Burgess Meredith provide it's edginess.
Wet Hot American Summer (2001), totally whacked out camp movie.
Meatballs (1979), a Bill Murray summer camp classic.
Goonies (1985), boys and girls on a treasure hunting adventure.
The story is king.


Camp Nowhere (1994). Christopher Lloyd and Burgess Meredith provide it's edginess.
Wet Hot American Summer (2001), totally whacked out camp movie.
Meatballs (1979), a Bill Murray summer camp classic.
Goonies (1985), boys and girls on a treasure hunting adventure.

LMAO...what the hell? Those have got to be the worst recommendations for a movie similar to MK I have ever seen. The ONLY similarities is that each movie has children in forgot, Home Alone, Dennis the Menace, and Flight of the Navigator. Those have kids too.

Just watch the other Wes Anderson movies man.

I told her not to read it.
Read what?
The angry pajama people.


The ONLY similarities is that each movie has children in it...

Just on the surface of it, three of the four were camp movie comedies, and, on that note:

Are you saying that "Just watch the other Wes Anderson movies..." is an answer to the OP's question? I hardly think it is.

The story is king.


similarly 'quirky' is Amélie (2001)


Let the Right One In. A swedish movie, it has similar vibe IMO.


Perks of being a wallflower
Son of Rambow
Spectacular now (-ish)


Submarine (2010), similarly dark but honest teen romance between social misfits.

A lot of strange things happen in this world. Things you don't know about in Grand Rapids.
