Get out of Afghanistan

I just wish Americans would get the H3LL out of Afghanistan.


1. the americans aren't the only ones there.
2. surely it would be better to finish training the afghan forces so the taliban can't just step right back in where they were before it started? no?
3. i'm guessing you are not a woman. the world is not so black and white as 'bad america must leave and then things will be fine'.


Americans like to bully their way into countries with the excuse that they are making that country a better place.
No one should be there other than the people who live there.
Look at what happened in Vietnam. You would think you would learn from that.

If it harms none, do what thou wilt.


1. vietnam is a totally different situation.
2. i am not american.
3. they (and others) are already there and time can't be reversed - i can't see the part where i said it should have been started in the first place, and as it's a complex issue i'm not sure where i stand on that - but, fact: allied forces went there. pulling out mid-stream is going to leave a lot of afghan people in a very dangerous position.
4. once again, i'm guessing you aren't a woman either. if you were you may have a little more concern for the oppression they have been suffering under the taliban and see the issue as a whole lot more complex than just to bugger off and let them fend for themselves.
