Any Good?

That cover is freaking cool but I was wondering whether this movie was worth while to check out.

I'm just a guy that likes horror flicks.


Saw it last night at Fright Fest and it sucks. The concept surrounding the killer is pretty cool but he only appears about 3 times in the movie amounting to less than 5 minutes of screen time. The rest of it is a super cliched supernatural film that never really does anything to take you by surprise. That and the main character's dad ran away from her, her mum died of cancer, she has to fend for her little sister and is being haunted. Oh, and if you don't feel sympathy for her yet the writer also made her deaf.



Its not that bad, nothing great. Just decent. Nothing ground breaking here


Very slow moving story, felt like I was watching it for four hours.

It's not a bad movie, but it's like a long, drawn out Lifetime Movie Network movie with a tiny bit more horror element added. It's nowhere near as kewl as the box art looks.

The acting was okay. The story itself really isn't all that bad.

There's a bonus scene after the credits.

It's an average film. We've seen the same basic plot a million times over. But it's something to watch, if you're bored.


Appreciate the comment. The box art definitely misleading from what it sounds like. But comparing it to a Lifetime flick will certainly deter me from seeing it anytime soon.

I'm just a guy that likes horror flicks.


Damn! The cover art had me pumped too! Thanks for confirmation, I will not be wasting my time with this.



It's nothing special but it's not bad!Ok B-grade horror.


the film is all about the cover, its the end of the road as they say
good acting, some pretty creepy scenes, and a good storyline, long film but the time went quick.
Not many films make me not to watch scenes, this one did. some nasty stuff in it


I liked it, looks great, well directed and fairly good actors. It's pretty good movie, and I watched really many horror movies so I believe I can tell.


this movie is definitely worth watch..quite a nice movie i have watched after a long time , enjoyed it must check it out.


Interesting so far how the comments go back and forth on whether or not to check it out or not. I suppose I will just have to check it out and make my own opinion.

I'm just a guy that likes horror flicks.


DECENT MOVIE........5/10....



One of few movies I watched from beginning till the end in last couple of months. So, yeah, check it out, also main actress Kelen Coleman is sexy


come on, not movie material, unless it's a porno, wth is wrong with you people


aaaaaa just watched it and to me it looked like there was about .... maybe 8to 10 min of actual Cassadaga, If u want to see what the town really looks like check out Dunsmore

I worked on that one and it was a blast(They Jacked me on a Credit)and the area could have used the money, there were things I haven't seen before but I am going to watch it again there were a lot of real tight shots with blurry back grounds so I could be wrong and I don't live there anymore but, didn't look like much of Cassadaga, lol altho that is the sign for it !
used to live in Deland...or if your from there Amsterdeland..(thanx Tom !) right next to the aforementioned town and Movie Name.
I do have to say I loved the bus hit !!!! and it was nice to see home again ... I miss it!


I liked it , wasent too bad
