MovieChat Forums > Swamp People (2010) Discussion > The French guy who couldn't speak Englis...

The French guy who couldn't speak English

In the last episode Glenn and Mitchell were looking for a motor part and eventually went to this guy who had to be in his 50s or 60s and didn't know one word of English. I knew some families still speak French but I was kind of shocked the guy couldn't even communicate in English. I'd guess he's probably lived in the U.S. his whole life too.

Reminded me of that movie Southern Comfort. Creepy movie.


For the most part, we speak primarily English. Most people my age (25) don't know any Cajun French (except the curse words we learn from our parents and grandparents, lol). But there are some areas where the older people don't speak any English..

This is a rare occurrence, though. Unfortunately our language is dying out very quickly. Our grandparents weren't allowed to speak French in school as children, and were often times physically punished and mocked for it, so they didn't teach their children the language (not wanting them to go through the same torment as them).

And now the history lesson is over, lol. Sorry, I wanted to be a teacher when I was a little girl.

And may the odds be ever in your favor.


Great history lesson Witty name. Never apologize for imparting some knowledge and experiences on these boards as I don't think any of us is in that big a hurry and most of us can always learn a little more about our American heritages. What you pointed out is exactly what I experienced as a boy growing up on the bayous south of Mobile, Alabama in the 1950's.

I remember visiting the homes of some of my friends that had grandparents living with them. They had surnames such as Lebeau, Boudreau, Lartigue, and Guidry. The grandparents only spoke Cajun French with a few English words thrown in and the parents spoke both English and Cajun French. Enjoying a meal with them was a real treat as the banter back and forth was fascinating and punctuated by much laughter. Happy times and wonderful food. You're right, all us kids ever learned from this was a few curse words, some that I still use to this day.

Getting back to the OP, I think that the fellow knew both French and English, but chose not to use the latter.


From what i understand, kids in Lousisana study French in school, but its European french not Cajun.

hard core at your door


From what I hear... he's the only person on the show that is actually speaking English......

"I don't argue with idiots, they bring me down to their level and beat me with experience"


Since you said that you do not watch the History Channel, you should not believe everything you hear. Try watching the show before you comment.

(Note to Board: Rant from Ltrazordaddio to follow)


Since you said that you do not watch the History Channel, you should not believe everything you hear. Try watching the show before you comment.

(Note to Board: Rant from Ltrazordaddio to follow)
I know, right. The funniest, though, was on the "Around the World in 80 Plates" board. She/he/it went into a rant about that show. Bla, bla, bla, bla, bla, bla, bla. SRDB (Same rant, different board). It took THREE, count, em, THREE posters (including me) before it finally got it through its head that the show isn't on one of its beloved channels but on BRAVO! (Actually, to be totally honest I'm not really sure it ever got it through its head.) Come to find out it had seen a commercial for the show on SYFY channel and just went to the board to rant. It was pretty funny. You should go read the thread.

Oh, it also claimed I was the committer of "circle jerk" posting. What was so amusing was that it apparently failed to see that it was also the committer of "circle jerk" posting. Anyway, it finally declared that I was a troll and claimed to put me on ignore. Apparently it didn't trust itself to resist the urge to participate in the circle jerk posting.

I just don't get what it thinks it is accomplishing by coming on IMDb and ranting. And you know d@mn well that it secretly watches and loves all these shows.

Let's see if it can resist the urge to reply to me, the troll.

Here's the link to make it easy for you. It's too priceless to miss.

ETA: He/she/it replied to me in the thread above. Pretty funny stuff. Gotta love IMDb message boards. Moths to the bug zapper.

Unless specified as fact, everything above is 100% my opinion.


Thanks for the link TCH. It is really priceless and typical of Ltrazordaddio's "little Johnny one note" mentality. He apparently is now becoming confused in his rants. He is a nuisance on these boards, although it is fun to pull his chain or rattle his cage from time to time for laughs. He is quick to call people that disagree with him Trolls, Plants, or Shills. The evidence actually points to Ltrazordaddio as being the real Shill. He is either being paid by a competing network for piece work or he is mentally disturbed and should seek professional help.

He keeps asking me who the "we" is when I tell him that every time he uses "POS" in his rants, that we are all thinking of him. By now he should realize that the "we" is everyone he has insulted or who has been irritated by his rants. You can bet that he will be reading your post and mine and that he does watch the shows he proclaims to hate. He must have lots of free time to watch as his posts are just copy and paste, copy and paste, etc. etc. etc. sprinkled with juvenile copy and paste emoticons and icons.

Take a look at his IMDb user profile by clicking on his name. All his posts are regarding the same thing over and over again. Looks like he only has one interest and is OCD or, like I said, is being paid by the "piece".


Just google its name. It's been ranting about History and Discovery Channels all over the internet for literally five years. That's hilarious and depressing, all at the same time.

It's funny that a TV channel can make someone this emotional. Imagine if this person put its efforts into a cause worthwhile.


Oh goody... another tom-tomed into the SWAMP SCUM Board... I guess two to one wasn't good enough odds for the fourteen year old school yard bullies ?
My money is on steiner has watched SWAMP SCUM as many times as I have... hey why don't you just get somebody to register and make his/her/its first post in your discussion about yours truly ?

Really good to see that SWAMP SCUM is such an uninteresting show, that I'm the main topic of your conversation.... I really must be crazy... I'm the one that calls a POS TV Series that glorifies a group of toothless, inbred, Alligator killers the POS it is... and I'm the bad guy ?

Something really wrong here... well you Shills win this one... since you are so troubled by what I say... go back to your discussion of "Which Swamp Scum sleeps with the most relatives".... I wonder how long it will be with just you Shills talking to yourselves, before this Board goes the way of the defunct HISTORY Board ?

"I don't argue with idiots, they bring me down to their level and beat me with experience"


...I really must be crazy...well you Shills win this one...

Take a pill, lay down, and just think of all this as a bad dream.

bye bye, Ltrazordaddio!


I really must be crazy...
WAIT! WHAT? You CRAZY? Say it ain't so!

I really can't believe it took you this long to both figure it out and admit it!

Unless specified as fact, everything above is 100% my opinion.


The show is so uninteresting that you spend hours commenting on it. I wish I lived in your reality.


Just google its name. It's been ranting about History and Discovery Channels all over the internet for literally five years. That's hilarious and depressing, all at the same time.

It's funny that a TV channel can make someone this emotional. Imagine if this person put its efforts into a cause worthwhile.
And yet, amazingly, the only thing that has happened over the past five years is more of the dreaded and offensive cheaply produced blah, blah blah blah blah blah blah blah have INCREASED in numbers and have expanded to more channels.

Pretty funny. I guess nobody is listening to his endless rants.

Yea, if he would concentrate all of this rant energy on, say, solving world hunger, creating world peace, or curing cancer he might actually make a difference in the world. Instead, he chooses to rant about reality shows on IMDb.

Go figure.

Unless specified as fact, everything above is 100% my opinion.


Re: 'You gonna take it'.....
by Ltrazordaddio 4 hours ago (Wed Jun 6 2012 03:50:08)
Ignore this User | Report Abuse Reply
That was a good one... If I remember right, it looked like the machine still had some packing material on it, and I remarked it looked like it was hot off the Home Depot lot.... probably didn't have any gas in it...

"I don't argue with idiots, they bring me down to their level and beat me with experience"
Check out this from the "Hardcore Pawn" board. Pretty funny that he admitted he watched one of those cheaply produced blah blah blah blah blah shows that he rants about.

ETA: He also seems to have a familiarity with "Devil's Ride". These two shows must be exceptions to the rule, huh.

Unless specified as fact, everything above is 100% my opinion.


Re: 'You gonna take it'.....
by Ltrazordaddio 4 hours ago (Wed Jun 6 2012 03:50:08)
Ignore this User | Report Abuse Reply
That was a good one... If I remember right, it looked like the machine still had some packing material on it, and I remarked it looked like it was hot off the Home Depot lot.... probably didn't have any gas in it...

"I don't argue with idiots, they bring me down to their level and beat me with experience"
Check out this from the "Hardcore Pawn" board. Pretty funny that he admitted he watched one of those cheaply produced blah blah blah blah blah shows that he rants about.

ETA: He also seems to have a familiarity with "Devil's Ride". These two shows must be exceptions to the rule, huh.

Unless specified as fact, everything above is 100% my opinion.


That's why I blocked him. It makes for a much more pleasant experience.

And may the odds be ever in your favor.
