MovieChat Forums > Swamp People (2010) Discussion > If you're killing the gators for money, ...

If you're killing the gators for money, then just say that. Stop the BS

Why don't these clowns just be Men and Women and just come out and say they are doing it for the money? They come up with every excuse in the book to why they are killing the gators.

"This gator was threatening to eat kids, this gator has killed somebody, this gator was in a residential area, blah, blah, blah". These hicks try to make it seem like they're saviors or something. Like they're doing some sort of public service.

These clowns are hunting in the middle of knowhere, where the only people dumb enough to be out that far are THEM!!!

Hey 'Swamp People', you're not heroes, you're just out there for a paycheck. Just say that and stop trying to make it more than it really is....


Some "fan"- probably somebody connected to the show- posted over on the HISTORY board that "we own them our admiration". The way I see it, I owe these losers squat !!!

Here is a copy of the post from the HISTORY board... it's a shame how these people are duped into buying this hyped up dramatic garbage. "Live off the land...fighting of hazzards..."- Baloney !!!

"Imagine having to live right off the land, fighting off hazards such as gators, mosquitoes, and venomous snakes!
These men are really amazing and brave. They deserve full support and admiration!"

Like I said, these loser bums deserve squat......

Fire Nancy Dubuc !!! History Made-up Every Day !


Why be so harsh? These folks made it their job to do what they do. If it was all about the money then everyone would be killing gators for profit. After a certain point you have to really love being out in the swamp and risking life and limb.

What happens when you have a wild animal that gets loose and kills someone kid or pet? You need these people to do the job.

They are just everyday people making a living. Probably the kind of folks that would stop and help you if you were stranded somewhere, or offer you some help.

Maybe heroes is a bit bold, but I'm sure Troy and the gang are good people.


Why be so harsh? These folks made it their job to do what they do. If it was all about the money then everyone would be killing gators for profit. After a certain point you have to really love being out in the swamp and risking life and limb.

What happens when you have a wild animal that gets loose and kills someone kid or pet? You need these people to do the job.

You have to be kidding right???

Many of these folks "made it their job" because this is all they can do. They have no other skills. And it is about the money, period, point blank. You have been sucked into the false TV made drama that shows like this manufacture. And they are NOT risking life and limb. They are hunting alligators with high powered rifles and handguns. The up-close tactics they use are mainly for the TV. In the real/non-TV world, they would just get close to the gator and shoot and retrieve the body. You make it seem like they are diving into the water Tarzan style, and killing gators by hand. Actually, I'd have FAR more respect for them if they did it that way.

And PLEASE do not try to make these Hicks/Yahoos out to be heroes. They are not the Department of Wildlife moving or killing trouble animals when it's called for. Do you think that when a gator is in somebody's pool that the 'Swamp People' show up?

Like I said: I wish they would just keep it real and stop all of the BS like they're doing some great community service. They're doing a job my friend. If they weren't getting paid for it, they wouldn't be doing it....



'Jon Death' thinks this edited for TV drama about people of the bayou is "real". It's TV my friend, they are in front of cameras, situations are edited and manipulated for entertainment.

And you have to be kidding me if you think these people are role models. You must have some VERY low standards. You probably think hunting some animal with a high powered rifle, with no real danger to yourself, makes you a big man.

And for some odd reason, you seem to know a lot about Lady Gaga, and Desperate Housewives. That's probably because it's you, and not me, who is watching crap like that.

Just keep looking up to Bubba and Haas OK.

Like I said: They're doing it for a paycheck, nothing more, nothing less...


"You probably think hunting some animal with a high powered rifle, with no real danger to yourself, makes you a big man."

Oh, but that's where you're wrong. Alligators are a very big danger, not just to humans, but also to pets and livestock. Every year, several people die from being eaten by alligators. Don't talk smack about something you know nothing about. Educate yourself.


When did a .22 become a high powered rifle? How is being a couple of feet away from a thrashing 500 pound animal not real danger? It is not like Survivor when the crocodiles have their mouths taped shut. If you don't like it don't watch it.

To the OP- When did they ever say it was not about the money? They talk about the short season and making all they can all the time.

It smells like updawg in here.


Why don't these clowns just be Men and Women and just come out and say they are doing it for the money? They come up with every excuse in the book to why they are killing the gators.

they DID make it clear...that would be why we see them taking them to the middle man to be SOLD.

They've also stated MULTIPLE times that that's part of their income for the year...which is why they try to fill all the tags they get.

"This is a faithful saying...Jesus came into the world to save sinners; of whom I am chief."




I'm from South Louisiana. People in my family have hunted alligators. I can tell you that, though the shows are edited, that is how they hunt, and you can lose fingers, hands, and arms if you aren't careful. Even if you don't lose a limb, getting bitten is very painful and you have to go to the hospital because they carry all types of bacteria you do NOT want in your bloodstream.

And of course they do it for the money. But they can only hunt gators for one month out of the year. All these men and women have jobs the rest of the year.

And these men are doing us a service. Without them, the alligators would overpopulate and start venturing into residential neighborhoods more than they already do. They aren't as far away from towns as you like to think.

And how dare you call these people clowns? They are going out and risking a lot to support their families. I've met most of them, and they are very good, upstanding people. What they do goes back in our history hundreds of years. The things they know have been passed from father to son for generations.

You obviously don't know what the hell you are talking about, and all you succeeded in doing was making yourself look like a douche.


What, did you think I was gonna say something important? Pssh!


Hey insert... since it's on the channel that still has the gall to call itself HISTORY.. it would be nice if the show provided some of that "hundreds of years" of "History".

Fire Nancy Dubuc !!! History Made-up Every Day !


Why don't you write to the producers instead of asking someone who can't do anything about it?

What, did you think I was gonna say something important? Pssh!


Just stating what I think of the show like you are.... sorry this is not a "fan" board.....

Fire Nancy Dubuc !!! History Made-up Every Day !


Extremely well said, insert-witty-name-here! What people don't want to realize is just how much of the history of Louisiana is wrapped up in alligator hunting.

Something else I feel should be said is: People complaining about this being shown on the History channel. For the aforementioned reason, I find it to be extremely appropriate it's on this channel. Alligator hunting, living off the land, is very much a part of the history of the state.

I used to live on the Mississippi Gulf Coast where gators are also a problem. These people here just don't know what it's like to walk out your door and see a big honkin' gator with your pet dog in it's mouth.

so, let these idiots go on and make heroes out of Snookie and Situation (both really STUPID people with really STUPID names) and you and I can take pleasure in the fact there are still good, decent, honest, hard-working folks out there, folks like these alligator hunters, who wish to contribute to society rather than drain the intelligence out of it like the aforementioned Jersey Shore people.

True enough, these alligator hunters might not be the best educated, but I'll take them as neighbors over Snookie, Situation or a Harvard graduate any day of the week and twice on Sunday.

"Carpe diem. Seize the day, boys. Make your lives extraordinary."


"Extremely well said, insert-witty-name-here! What people don't want to realize is just how much of the history of Louisiana is wrapped up in alligator hunting.

Something else I feel should be said is: People complaining about this being shown on the History channel. For the aforementioned reason, I find it to be extremely appropriate it's on this channel. Alligator hunting, living off the land, is very much a part of the history of the state."

boring.... insert to Nancy... S-O-S !!!! please post something on SWAMP SCUM we need help....

Other than expanding the playing field with the Alligator eating the dog... the old "History" angle hasn't been used since the supporters of that other gem MADHOUSE stated... it's "History" because "racing has been around a long time".

How much "History" of killing Alligators have you learned watching SS in two Seasons ? None... the shows focus is Drama.. hint should be that it doesn't take 2 Seasons to tell the "History" of the killing of Alligators... can be done in one one hour "Documentary".

bye bye Nancy... see what other threads youy guys can BUMP to stir things up....

"If you don't agree with me-ignore me. If you think HISTORY channel sucks-blame CEO Nancy Dubuc"


You're an angry elf...

"Carpe diem. Seize the day, boys. Make your lives extraordinary."


No, they're not heroes, unless you call making an honest living by old fashioned hard work heroic. Actually, I do.


They only hunt a certain amount each season so it isn't like they're endangering the alligators, if they were I could see the outrage.

You can say what you want about the people on this show, but the one thing I will give them props for is that they actually work and aren't collecting welfare like a lot of bums in the US.

I also find it funny that people are watching reality shows like this and still expecting to get the full, unadulterated truth. Complaining about it makes you seem about as slow as you perceive the "Swamp People" to be, only difference is they're making bank each new episode.


I don't expect the truth from most reality shows, but I did from the history channel. That's probably because I don't have cable so I hadn't seen any of these reality TV shows, I'd only heard of them and I always assumed they were pretty legit. But I've watched a few episodes of pawn stars and this show online and do feel pretty disappointed. I guess most people with cable have been gradually introduced to this version of the "history" channel but to me it was a shock. TLC/discovery is about as bad. It's really sad!


waterloggedfrog.... Yes it is sad... Cable TV has become one cesspool of cheaply produced sameness...

"I don't argue with idiots, they bring me down to their level and beat me with experience"


